AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for Xilinx* Users

ID 683562
Date 3/20/2018

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Document Table of Contents Physical Synthesis Optimization

The Vivado* software applies timing-driven Physical Optimization in the post-place and reroute designs. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software performs Physical synthesis optimizations to improve performance regardless of the synthesis tool that you use, and you can apply it during synthesis and during fitting.
The main advantages of performing physical optimization are:
  • Optimizations that occur during the synthesis stage change the netlist to improve either area or speed, depending on the optimization technique and effort level that you select.
  • Technology mapper optimizes the design to achieve maximum speed performance, minimum area usage, or balances high performance and minimal logic usage, according to the setting of the Optimization Technique option. You can set this option to Speed or Balanced.
  • Optimizations that occur during the Fitter stage of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition compilation flow make placement-specific changes to the netlist that improve speed performance results for a specific Intel® FPGA device

To view and modify synthesis netlist optimization options:

  1. Click Assignments > Settings > Compiler Settings.
  2. To enable physical synthesis, click Advanced Settings (Fitter), and then enable Advanced Physical Synthesis.
  3. View physical synthesis results in the Netlist Optimizations report.