Multi Channel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 683517
Date 7/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

5. Revision History for the Multi Channel DMA Intel FPGA IP for PCI Express Design Example User Guide

Date Quartus® Prime Version IP Version Changes
2024.07.30 24.2

[H-Tile: 24.1.0]

[P-Tile: 8.1.0]

[F-Tile: 9.1.0]

[R-Tile: 5.1.0]

  • Design Example Directory Structure: Removed the sample, testapp, and simple_app rows from the Directory Structure table.
  • Replaced the config IFC_QDMA_INTF_AVST with IFC_QDMA_INTF_ST in various sections.
2024.01.19 23.4

[H-Tile: 23.1.0]

[P-Tile: 7.1.0]

[F-Tile: 8.0.0]

[R-Tile: 4.1.0]

  • R-Tile MCDMA IP - Design Examples for Endpoint: Note added about Data Mover mode support for R-Tile MCDMA IP.
  • Hardware Test Results: Information added about setting flags to enable data validation using -v option.
  • Supported Simulators: Note added about Data Mover mode support for R-Tile MCDMA IP.
  • Steps to Run the Simulation: Simulation command for F-Tile MCDMA IP added.
  • BAM Test: Commands updated in all steps.
2023.10.06 23.3

[H-Tile: 23.0.0]

[P-Tile: 7.0.0]

[F-Tile: 7.0.0]

[R-Tile: 4.0.0]

  • MCDMA IP Modes: R-Tile and F-Tile information updated
  • P-Tile MCDMA IP - Design Examples for Endpoint: New note added about simulation support
  • F-Tile MCDMA IP - Design Examples for Endpoint: New note added about simulation support
  • R-Tile MCDMA IP - Design Examples for Endpoint: New notes added about simulation support
  • Avalon-MM PIO using MCDMA Bypass Mode: New notes added at the end of the section
  • Single-Port Avalon-ST Packet Generate/Check: Note added about Metadata support
  • Avalon-ST Device-side Packet Loopback: Note added about Metadata support
  • Avalon-MM DMA: Note added about User FLR interface support
  • BAM_BAS Traffic Generator and Checker: Note added MSI interface support
  • Design Example Directory Structure: Note added at the end of the section
  • Procedure: Note added in Step 10 (c)
  • Procedure: Available design examples information updated for all modes in Step 10 (d)
  • Supported Simulators: Information about x4 Hard IP mode design example simulation support updated
  • Steps to Run the Simulation: Steps (1) and (2) updated
  • Driver Support: Note added about software folders
  • Run the Reference Example Application: Step (5) added
  • Custom PIO Read Write Test: New section added
  • Channel ID VF PF Verification: New section added
2023.07.07 23.2

[H-Tile: 22.3.0]

[P-Tile: 6.0.0]

[F-Tile: 6.0.0]

[R-Tile: 3.0.0]

  • MCDMA IP Modes: R-Tile information added
  • MCDMA R-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint: Information updated
  • Simulation Results: Simulation log and Simulation waveforms added
  • Testbench Overview: R-Tile information added
  • Supported Simulators: Aldec Riviera Pro simulator information added
  • Supported Simulators: R-Tile information added
  • Set the Boot Parameters: Commands updated
  • Installing the Linux Kernel Driver: Notes added
  • Establish Communication Between Host and QEMU: Macro command updated
  • Run the Reference Example Application: Note added about data validation
  • Set the Boot Parameters: Commands updated
  • Install PMD and Test Application (for Ubuntu): New command added in Step (5)
  • Create Guest VM by using QEMU: Information added about creating the centOS VMs and Ubuntu VMs
2023.04.17 23.1

[H-Tile: 22.2.0]

[P-Tile: 5.1.0]

[F-Tile: 5.1.0]

[R-Tile: 2.0.0]

  • Updated product family name to "Intel Agilex® 7".
  • MCDMA R-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint: DPDK Driver Support information added to the table
  • MCDMA R-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint: External Descriptor Controller information added to the table
  • Hardware and Software Requirements: Operating system information added
  • Testbench Overview: MCDMA R-Tile Testbench information added
  • Supported Simulators: New table added Supported Simulators for MCDMA IP R-Tile
  • Run the Simulation Script: Table Steps to Run the Simulation removed
  • Software Test Setup: Operating System information updated
  • Set the Boot Parameters: CentOS and Ubuntu information added
  • Enabling VFs and Create Guest VM by Using QEMU: Host System Configuration table updated with operating system information
  • Run the Reference Example Application:
    • Note added in Step (5)
    • Custom AVMM DMA Gen4 x16 : P-Tile Hardware Test Result: New screeenshot added
  • BAS Test: BAS x4 information added
  • Testing Bitstream Configuration beyond 256 Channels (for MCDMA Custom Driver): Note added in Step (4)
  • Prerequisites: OS version and packages to be installed added
  • Set the Boot Parameters: CentOS and Ubuntu information added
  • Install and Build Testpmd: Note added about Ubuntu support
  • Install PMD and Test Application (for Ubuntu): New section added
  • Testing Bitstream Configuration beyond 256 Channels (for DPDK Poll Mode Driver): New section added
  • BAM Test: Note added about BAM_BAS bitstream
  • BAS Test: Note added about DPDK
2023.02.14 22.4

[H-Tile: 22.1.0]

[P-Tile: 5.0.0]

[F-Tile: 5.0.0]

[R-Tile: 1.0.0]

  • Kernel mode char driver is no longer supported. MCDMA Kernel Mode Character Device Driver section removed. All other Chardev driver information also removed.
  • MCDMA R-Tile information added in the following sections:
    • MCDMA IP Modes
    • Design Example Overview
    • Hardware and Software Requirements
  • MCDMA R-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint: New section added
  • BAM+BAS+MCDMA User Mode support information added in following sections:
    • MCDMA H-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
    • MCDMA P-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
    • MCDMA F-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
    • Driver Support
    • Supported Simulators
  • Hardware and Software Requirements: Development Kit information updated
  • Procedure: Step (7) updated
  • Running the Design Example Application on a Hardware Setup: Development Kit information updated
  • Program the FPGA: Note added
  • Software Test Setup: Information added to run custom driver with Ubuntu 22.04
  • External Packages: Commands added for CentOS and Ubuntu. Note added in Step (1)
  • BAS Verification: Note added about running BAM+BAS+MCDMA
  • Testing Bitstream Configuration beyond 256 Channels: Note added in Step (1)
2022.10.28 22.3

H-Tile IP version: 22.0.0

P-Tile IP version: 4.0.0

F-Tile IP version: 4.0.0

  • MCDMA IP Modes: Table MCDMA IP Modes and FPGA Development Kit for Design Examples updated for P-Tile and F-Tile rows
  • Kernel Mode Driver Support removed for Device-side Packet Loopback Design Example in
    • MCDMA H-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
    • MCDMA P-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • MCDMA F-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint: Table updated MCDMA F-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • Hardware and Software Requirements: Quartus® Prime version and Development Kit support information updated
  • Hardware Test Results: Figure Performance Test: P-Tile updated
  • Hardware Test Results: Command updated in Data Validation Test
  • Hardware Test Results: Command added to enable external flag IFC_MCDMA_EXTERNL_DESC
  • Supported Simulators: QuestaSim* and Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition are not supported in Quartus® Prime 22.3 version for MCDMA P-Tile IP. Table Supported Simulators for MCDMA IP P-Tile updated to reflect this change.
  • Set the Boot Parameters: Command in Step 6(b) updated
  • Installing the Linux Kernel Driver: Command in Step 2(b) updated
  • Enabling VFs and Create Guest VM by Using QEMU: Command in step 3(b) updated
  • Meta Data Test: Command added in Step (1) for __cflags
  • Meta Data Test: Command updated in Step (3)
  • BAS Verification: Command added to enable BAS in
  • Packet Gen Test: Command updated to run the perfq_app application in Step (3)
  • External Descriptor Mode Verification: Command in Step (1) updated
  • Install PMD and Test Application: Description to enable VFIO added in Step (2)
  • Install PMD and Test Application: Description to install VFIO module and bind vfio-pci driver added in Step (4)
  • Create Guest VM by using QEMU: Commands updated in Step 3(b)
  • Testing Bitstream Configuration beyond 256 Channels: Command for pktgen updated
  • BAS Test: Command added to enable the config IFC_QDMA_INTF_ST
2022.08.24 22.2

H-Tile IP version: 21.5.0

P-Tile IP version: 3.1.0

F-Tile IP version: 3.0.0

  • Device-side Packet Loopback and Packet Generate/Check User Mode updated to BAM+MCDMA for the following topics
    • MCDMA H-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
    • MCDMA F-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • Device-side Packet Loopback and Packet Generate/Check User Mode updated to BAM+BAS for MCDMA P-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • Hardware Test Results: Hardware test result added for Avalon-MM PIO using MCDMA Bypass Mode
  • Single-Port Avalon-ST PIO Using MCDMA Bypass Mode: Description updated
  • Simulation Waveforms: Added for Single-Port Avalon-ST Packet Generate/Check
  • Simulation Log: Added for Single-Port Avalon-ST Packet Generate/Check
  • Hardware Test Result: Added for Single-Port Avalon-ST Packet Generate/Check
  • Avalon-ST Device-side Packet Loopback: Description updated
  • Simulation Results: Updated for Avalon-ST Device-side Packet Loopback
  • Hardware Test Results: Updated for Avalon-ST Device-side Packet Loopback
  • Hardware Test Results: Intel Agilex F-Series P-Tile PCIe Gen4 x16 added for Avalon-MM DMA
  • Device-side Packet Loopback and Packet Generate/Check User Mode updated to BAM+MCDMA for all tables in Supported Simulators
  • BAS Test: Note added
  • BAS Verification: Commands updated for all operations
  • Example of Verifying on an AVMM Design: Commands updated
  • BAM Test: Commands updated in all steps
  • BAS Test: Commands and Result screenshots updated for all operations
4 Port AVST Mode has been deprecated from this release. All related 4 Port Mode information has been removed from the following sections:
  • Design Example Overview
  • MCDMA H-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • MCDMA P-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • MCDMA F-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint
  • Avalon-ST Device-side Packet Loopback
  • Example Testbench Flow for DMA Test with Packet Generate/Check Design Example
  • Driver Support
2022.04.29 22.1

H-Tile IP version: 21.4.0

P-Tile IP version: 3.0.0

F-Tile IP version: 2.0.0

Sections Updated:
  • MCDMA IP Modes [Note added]
  • MCDMA H-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint [New section added]
  • MCDMA P-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint [New section added]
  • MCDMA F-Tile Design Examples for Endpoint [New section added]
  • Hardware and Software Requirements [Version updated]
  • Single-Port Avalon-ST PIO Using MCDMA Bypass Mode [Figure Title updated]
  • Avalon-MM PIO Using MCDMA Bypass mode [Figure Title updated]
  • Hardware Test Results [Note added]
  • BAM_BAS Traffic Generator and Checker [Section title updated]
  • External Descriptor Controller [Description updated and High Level Block Diagram added]
  • Hardware Test Results [Example Design Test Result image updated]
  • Design Example Directory Structure [kmod folder structure updated]
  • Supported Simulators [New Tables added]
  • Run the Simulation Script [Table updated]
  • Running the Design Example Application on a Hardware Setup [Development kit support and Note added]
  • Driver Support [Driver Support for MCDMA Design Examples Table updated]
  • BAS Programming Sequence [Steps updated]
  • Run the Reference Example Application [Test Result image added]
  • Run the Reference Example Application [Test Result image added]
  • Examples [Note added]
2022.02.06 21.4

H-Tile IP version: 21.3.0

P-Tile IP version: 2.2.0

F-Tile IP version: 1.1.0

  • Added new design example: External Descriptor Controller
  • Added information for the Traffic Generator/Checker example design in Supported Simulators
2021.12.01 21.3

H-Tile IP version: 21.2.0

P-Tile IP version: 2.1.0

F-Tile IP version: 1.0.0

Rev H-Tile 21.2.0—2K channel support for D2H

Rev P-Tile 2.1.0—CS address width reduced from 29 to 14 bits

Rev F-Tile 1.0.0:
  • F-Tile support added
  • BAS EP design example added

Added new design example: Traffic Generator/Tracker

2021.09.15 21.2

H-Tile IP version: 21.1.0

P-Tile IP version: 2.0.0

  • Added SRIOV support for DPDK PMD
  • Added support for kernel mode driver
  • Added the Multi Channel DMA for FPGA IP Design Example User Guide Archives section
2021.05.24 21.1

H-Tile IP version: 2.0.0

P-Tile IP version: 1.0.0

  • Added the single-port Avalon-ST design example
  • Added support for new BAM, BAS, BAM+BAS, and BAM+MCDMA user modes
  • Added support for the DPDK PMD driver
  • Added support for the Xcelium simulator
2020.08.05 20.2

H-Tile IP version: 20.0.0

Initial Release