Multi Channel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* Design Example User Guide

ID 683517
Date 7/30/2024
Document Table of Contents Establish Communication Between Host and QEMU

  1. Login to Guest VM.

    $telnet localhost 5551

  2. Bring up interface.

    $ifconfig eth0 up

  3. Assign the IP address to eth0.

    $ifconfig eth0 <>

Execute the following command from the Host:
  1. Bring up net6551. "net6551" is the tap interface that you give in the QEMU command.

    $ifconfig net6551 up

    $ifconfig net6551 <>

  2. Copy the code by using scp.

    Eg: $scp -r <directory> root@<GuestIP>:/<path_to_the_directory>/

  3. Refer to section for updating the grub file in VM.
  4. Enable NO_IOMMU mode inside the Guest VM.

    Currently, QEMU does not support IOMMU. When running software on the Guest VM, if you are using vfio, you need to enable the NO_IOMMU_MODE mode.

    Edit software/dpdk/dpdk/drivers/net/mcdma/ rte_pmd_mcdma.h to define the following macro.

    Example: #define NO_IOMMU_MODE

    By default, this macro is disabled.

  5. Refer to Software Setup for the procedure to build and install MCDMA.