6. Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC) for Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices
The PTC is available in two versions:
- A standalone version that you can use without having an actual RTL design. You provide all input to this version manually, or from an imported .ptc file. The standalone version is convenient at the early stages of projects when power and cooling requirements must be determined and no RTL design is available.
- An embedded version that is part of the Intel® Quartus® Prime software. Input data for this version is generated when you compile an RTL design and run the Intel® Quartus® Prime Power Analyzer on it. This version can provide more accurate results, and should be used when possible.
The Intel® Quartus® Prime PTC can export a design file to the standalone PTC for ease of use and faster what-if analysis.
Like the Early Power Estimator (EPE), the PTC allows you to enter and select relevant information for your FPGA design and calculate relevant power and relevant thermal design information for that design. The data provided to the PTC includes device information, FPGA logic design information, and thermal information. The effects of the above inputs determine the overall power dissipation of each die and the thermal characteristics of the package to use for system thermal modeling. Below are the necessary inputs provided to the PTC where we also enter the data for the example mentioned before
The following figure depicts the PTC Main page, where you can select your FPGA device and enter some power setting and thermal parameters. As you enter data into the PTC, the power summary information on the left-side table updates automatically. (If you want, you can disable automatic power updates on the top menu.)
You can download the standalone PTC from the Additional Software tab on the Download Center for FPGAs page, here: https://fpgasoftware.intel.com/21.1/?edition=pro
The Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide is available here: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/documentation/mdj1572270584041.html?wapkw=Stratix%2010%20PTC