Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 10/31/2024
Document Table of Contents


Computes the tangent of vector elements multiplied by π.


vhTanpi (n, a, y);

vhTanpiI(n, a, inca, y, incy);

vmhTanpi (n, a, y, mode);

vmhTanpiI(n, a, inca, y, incy, mode);

vsTanpi (n, a, y);

vsTanpiI(n, a, inca, y, incy);

vmsTanpi (n, a, y, mode);

vmsTanpiI(n, a, inca, y, incy, mode);

vdTanpi (n, a, y);

vdTanpiI(n, a, inca, y, incy);

vmdTanpi (n, a, y, mode);

vmdTanpiI(n, a, inca, y, incy, mode);

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters





const MKL_INT

Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.


const _Float16* for vhTanpi

const float* for vsTanpi

const _Float16* for vmhTanpi

const float* for vmsTanpi

const double* for vdTanpi

const double* for vmdTanpi

Pointer to the array containing the input vector a.

inca, incy

const MKL_INT

Specifies increments for the elements of a and y.


const MKL_INT64

Overrides the global VM mode setting for this function call. See vmlSetMode for possible values and their description.

Output Parameters





_Float16* for vhTanpi

float* for vsTanpi

_Float16* for vmhTanpi

float* for vmsTanpi

double* for vdTanpi

double* for vmdTanpi

Pointer to an array containing the output vector y.


The v?Tanpi function computes the tangent of vector elements multiplied by π. For an argument x, the function computes tan(π*x).

Special values for Real Function v?Tanpi(x)
Argument Result VM Error Status Exception
+0 +1    
-0 +1    
n, even integer copysign(0.0, n)    
n, odd integer copysign(0.0, -n)    

The copysign(x, y) function returns the first vector argument x with the sign changed to match that of the second argument y.

Application Notes

If arguments abs(ai) ≤ 2 13 for single precision or abs(ai ) ≤ 2 67 for double precision, they belong to the fast computational path: arguments for which VM provides the best possible performance. Avoid arguments with do not belong to the fast computational path in VM High Accuracy (HA) or Low Accuracy (LA) functions. For arguments which do not belong to the fast computational path you can use VM Enhanced Performance (EP) functions, which are fast on the entire function domain. However, these functions provide lower accuracy.

See Also