Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B830AE7B-F650-497E-B4F8-BB7E116650AE
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B830AE7B-F650-497E-B4F8-BB7E116650AE
Simultaneously bidiagonalizes the blocks of a partitioned orthogonal/unitary matrix.
lapack_int LAPACKE_sorbdb( int matrix_layout, char trans, char signs, lapack_int m, lapack_int p, lapack_int q, float* x11, lapack_int ldx11, float* x12, lapack_int ldx12, float* x21, lapack_int ldx21, float* x22, lapack_int ldx22, float* theta, float* phi, float* taup1, float* taup2, float* tauq1, float* tauq2 );
lapack_int LAPACKE_dorbdb( int matrix_layout, char trans, char signs, lapack_int m, lapack_int p, lapack_int q, double* x11, lapack_int ldx11, double* x12, lapack_int ldx12, double* x21, lapack_int ldx21, double* x22, lapack_int ldx22, double* theta, double* phi, double* taup1, double* taup2, double* tauq1, double* tauq );
lapack_int LAPACKE_cunbdb( int matrix_layout, char trans, char signs, lapack_int m, lapack_int p, lapack_int q, lapack_complex_float* x11, lapack_int ldx11, lapack_complex_float* x12, lapack_int ldx12, lapack_complex_float* x21, lapack_int ldx21, lapack_complex_float* x22, lapack_int ldx22, float* theta, float* phi, lapack_complex_float* taup1, lapack_complex_float* taup2, lapack_complex_float* tauq1, lapack_complex_float* tauq2 );
lapack_int LAPACKE_zunbdb( int matrix_layout, char trans, char signs, lapack_int m, lapack_int p, lapack_int q, lapack_complex_double* x11, lapack_int ldx11, lapack_complex_double* x12, lapack_int ldx12, lapack_complex_double* x21, lapack_int ldx21, lapack_complex_double* x22, lapack_int ldx22, double* theta, double* phi, lapack_complex_double* taup1, lapack_complex_double* taup2, lapack_complex_double* tauq1, lapack_complex_double* tauq2 );
Include Files
- mkl.h
The routines ?orbdb/?unbdb simultaneously bidiagonalizes the blocks of an m-by-m partitioned orthogonal matrix X:

or unitary matrix:

x11 is p-by-q. q must not be larger than p, m-p, or m-q. Otherwise, x must be transposed and/or permuted in constant time using the trans and signs options.
The orthogonal/unitary matrices p1, p2, q1, and q2 are p-by-p, (m-p)-by-(m-p), q-by-q, (m-q)-by-(m-q), respectively. They are represented implicitly by Housholder vectors.
The bidiagonal matrices b11, b12, b21, and b22 are q-by-q bidiagonal matrices represented implicitly by angles theta[0], ..., theta[q - 1] and phi[0], ..., phi[q - 2]. b11 and b12 are upper bidiagonal, while b21 and b22 are lower bidiagonal. Every entry in each bidiagonal band is a product of a sine or cosine of theta with a sine or cosine of phi. See [Sutton09] for details.
p1, p2, q1, and q2 are represented as products of elementary reflectors. .
Input Parameters
- matrix_layout
Specifies whether matrix storage layout is row major (LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR) or column major (LAPACK_COL_MAJOR).
- trans
- = 'T':
- x, u1, u2, v1t, v2t are stored in row-major order.
- otherwise
- x, u1, u2, v1t, v2t are stored in column-major order.
- signs
- = 'O':
- The lower-left block is made nonpositive (the "other" convention).
- otherwise
- The upper-right block is made nonpositive (the "default" convention).
- m
The number of rows and columns of the matrix X.
- p
The number of rows in x11 and x12. 0 ≤p≤m.
- q
The number of columns in x11 and x21. 0 ≤q≤ min(p,m-p,m-q).
- x11
Array, size (size max(1, ldx11*q) for column major layout and max(1, ldx11*p) for row major layout) .
On entry, the top-left block of the orthogonal/unitary matrix to be reduced.
- ldx11
The leading dimension of the array X11. If trans = 'T', ldx11≥p for column major layout and ldx11≥q for row major layout. Otherwise, ldx11≥q.
- x12
Array, size (size max(1, ldx12*(m-q)) for column major layout and max(1, ldx12*p) for row major layout).
On entry, the top-right block of the orthogonal/unitary matrix to be reduced.
- ldx12
The leading dimension of the array X12. If trans = 'N', ldx12≥p for column major layout and ldx12≥m - q for row major layout. . Otherwise, ldx12≥m-q.
- x21
Array, size (size max(1, ldx21*q) for column major layout and max(1, ldx21*(m-p)) for row major layout).
On entry, the bottom-left block of the orthogonal/unitary matrix to be reduced.
- ldx21
The leading dimension of the array X21. If trans = 'N', ldx21≥m-p for column major layout and ldx12≥q for row major layout. . Otherwise, ldx21≥q.
- x22
Array, size ((size max(1, ldx22*(m-q)) for column major layout and max(1, ldx22*(m - p)) for row major layout).
On entry, the bottom-right block of the orthogonal/unitary matrix to be reduced.
- ldx22
The leading dimension of the array X21. If trans = 'N', ldx22≥m-p for column major layout and ldx22≥m - q for row major layout. . Otherwise, ldx22≥m-q.
Output Parameters
- x11
On exit, the form depends on trans:
- If trans='N',
- the columns of the lower triangle of x11 specify reflectors for p1, the rows of the upper triangle of x11(1:q - 1, q:q - 1) specify reflectors for q1
- otherwise trans='T',
- the rows of the upper triangle of x11 specify reflectors for p1, the columns of the lower triangle of x11(1:q - 1, q:q - 1) specify reflectors for q1
- x12
On exit, the form depends on trans:
- If trans='N',
- the columns of the upper triangle of x12 specify the first p reflectors for q2
- otherwise trans='T',
- the columns of the lower triangle of x12 specify the first p reflectors for q2
- x21
On exit, the form depends on trans:
- If trans='N',
- the columns of the lower triangle of x21 specify the reflectors for p2
- otherwise trans='T',
- the columns of the upper triangle of x21 specify the reflectors for p2
- x22
On exit, the form depends on trans:
- If trans='N',
- the rows of the upper triangle of x22(q+1:m-p,p+1:m-q) specify the last m-p-q reflectors for q2
- otherwise trans='T',
- the columns of the lower triangle of x22(p+1:m-q,q+1:m-p) specify the last m-p-q reflectors for p2
- theta
Array, size q. The entries of bidiagonal blocks b11, b12, b21, and b22 can be computed from the angles theta and phi. See the Description section for details.
- phi
Array, size q-1. The entries of bidiagonal blocks b11, b12, b21, and b22 can be computed from the angles theta and phi. See the Description section for details.
- taup1
Array, size p.
Scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define p1. - taup2
Array, size m-p.
Scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define p2. - tauq1
Array, size q.
Scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define q1. - tauq2
Array, size m-q.
Scalar factors of the elementary reflectors that define q2.
Return Values
This function returns a value info.
If info=0, the execution is successful.
If info = -i, the i-th parameter had an illegal value.