Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 10/31/2024

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Computes matrix - vector product of a sparse symmetrical matrix stored in the coordinate format with zero-based indexing (deprecated).


void mkl_cspblas_scoosymv (const char *uplo , const MKL_INT *m , const float *val , const MKL_INT *rowind , const MKL_INT *colind , const MKL_INT *nnz , const float *x , float *y );

void mkl_cspblas_dcoosymv (const char *uplo , const MKL_INT *m , const double *val , const MKL_INT *rowind , const MKL_INT *colind , const MKL_INT *nnz , const double *x , double *y );

void mkl_cspblas_ccoosymv (const char *uplo , const MKL_INT *m , const MKL_Complex8 *val , const MKL_INT *rowind , const MKL_INT *colind , const MKL_INT *nnz , const MKL_Complex8 *x , MKL_Complex8 *y );

void mkl_cspblas_zcoosymv (const char *uplo , const MKL_INT *m , const MKL_Complex16 *val , const MKL_INT *rowind , const MKL_INT *colind , const MKL_INT *nnz , const MKL_Complex16 *x , MKL_Complex16 *y );

Include Files

  • mkl.h


This routine is deprecated. Use mkl_sparse_?_mvfrom the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Inspector-executor Sparse BLAS interface instead.

The mkl_cspblas_?coosymv routine performs a matrix-vector operation defined as

y := A*x


x and y are vectors,

A is an upper or lower triangle of the symmetrical sparse matrix in the coordinate format with zero-based indexing.


This routine supports only zero-based indexing of the input arrays.

Input Parameters


Specifies whether the upper or low triangle of the matrix A is used.

If uplo = 'U' or 'u', then the upper triangle of the matrix A is used.

If uplo = 'L' or 'l', then the low triangle of the matrix A is used.


Number of rows of the matrix A.


Array of length nnz, contains non-zero elements of the matrix A in the arbitrary order.

Refer to values array description in Coordinate Format for more details.


Array of length nnz, contains the row indices for each non-zero element of the matrix A.

Refer to rows array description in Coordinate Format for more details.


Array of length nnz, contains the column indices for each non-zero element of the matrix A. Refer to columns array description in Coordinate Format for more details.


Specifies the number of non-zero element of the matrix A.

Refer to nnz description in Coordinate Format for more details.


Array, size is m.

On entry, the array x must contain the vector x.

Output Parameters


Array, size at least m.

On exit, the array y must contain the vector y.