Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 10/31/2024

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Returns the element with the larger magnitude between each pair of elements of the two vector arguments.


vhMaxMag (n, a, b, y);

vhMaxMagI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy);

vmhMaxMag (n, a, b, y, mode);

vmhMaxMagI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy, mode);

vsMaxMag (n, a, b, y);

vsMaxMagI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy);

vmsMaxMag (n, a, b, y, mode);

vmsMaxMagI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy, mode);

vdMaxMag (n, a, b, y);

vdMaxMagI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy);

vmdMaxMag (n, a, b, y, mode);

vmdMaxMagI(n, a, inca, b, incb, y, incy, mode);

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters





const MKL_INT

Specifies the number of elements to be calculated.

a, b

const _Float16* for vhMaxMag

const float* for vsMaxMag

const _Float16* for vmhMaxMag

const float* for vmsMaxMag

const double* for vdMaxMag

const double* for vmdMaxMag

Pointers to the arrays containing the input vectors a and b.

inca, incb, incy

const MKL_INT

Specifies increments for the elements of a, b, and y.


const MKL_INT64

Overrides the global VM mode setting for this function call. See vmlSetMode for possible values and their description.

Output Parameters





_Float16* for vhMaxMag

float* for vsMaxMag

_Float16* for vmhMaxMag

float* for vmsMaxMag

double* for vdMaxMag

double* for vmdMaxMag

Pointer to an array containing the output vector y.


The v?MaxMag function returns a vector with element values equal to the element with the larger magnitude from each pair of corresponding elements of the two vectors a and b:

  • If |ai| > |bi| v?MaxMag returns ai, otherwise v?MaxMag returns ai.

  • If |bi| > |ai| v?MaxMag returns bi, otherwise v?MaxMag returns ai.

  • Otherwise v?MaxMag behaves like v?Fmax.

Special values for Real Function v?MaxMag(x, y)
Argument 1 Argument 2 Result VM Error Status Exception
ai not NAN NAN ai    
NAN bi not NAN bi    

See Also