Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0434714E-2F95-48F5-B087-138BFB439941
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0434714E-2F95-48F5-B087-138BFB439941
Troubleshooting Simulator Issues
Review this section to troubleshoot simulator problems that you might have when attempting to run a simulation.
Windows Compilation or Run Fails
On Windows, simulation might fail at compilation time or run time if you are running from a directory with a very long path. Use the -o compiler option to output your compilation results to a shorter path.
A socket=-11 Error Is Logged to transcript.log
If you receive the following error message, you might be mixing resources from multiple simulators, such as Questa*-Intel FPGA Edition and ModelSim* SE:
Message: "src/hls_cosim_ipc_socket.cpp:202: void IPCSocketMaster::connect(): Assertion `sockfd != -1 && "IPCSocketMaster::connect() call to accept() failed"' failed."
An example of mixing simulator resources is compiling a device with ModelSim* SE and running the host program in Questa*-Intel FPGA Starter Edition.
Compatibility with Questa*-Intel FPGA Starter Edition Software
Questa*-Intel FPGA Starter Edition software has limitations on design size that prevent it from simulating large designs. When trying to launch a simulation using Questa*-Intel FPGA Starter Edition software, you may encounter the following error message:
Error: The simulator's process ended unexpectedly.
Instead, simulate the designs with Questa*-Intel FPGA Edition or ModelSim* SE software.
Environment Variable Not Set
When you forget setting the CL_CONTEXT_MPSIM_DEVICE_INTELFPGA=1 environment variable, you might encounter an error message.
On Linux
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'sycl::_V1::runtime_error' what(): No device of requested type available. Please check -1 (PI_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) Aborted (core dumped)
On Windows
The simulator might crash and you might see the following message in the debugger:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFD92DFDE4E (ucrtbase.dll) in <your exe>.exe: Fatal program exit requested.
To overcome this issue, define the CL_CONTEXT_MPSIM_DEVICE_INTELFPGA=1 environment variable.