Developer Guide

Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Handbook for Intel FPGAs

ID 785441
Date 5/08/2024

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Memory-Mapped Host Interfaces Using Unified Shared Memory Pointers and the annotated_arg Class

A kernel can interface with an external memory over an Avalon® Memory-mapped (MM) Host interface. You can specify the Avalon® MM host interface with the annotated_arg class.

Describe a customized Avalon® MM host interface in your code by adding an annotated_arg object in your kernel functor definition or by capturing an annotated_arg object with a lambda kernel function.

Each annotated_arg argument of a kernel can be configured with a conduit or register map input type.

Each pointer type annotated_arg argument can be customized to different port configuration attaching to a specific buffer location. An Avalon® MM Host interface is created for each unique buffer location. Host interfaces that share the same buffer location are arbitrated on the same interface.

Learn how to configure memory-mapped host interfaces in your RTL IP kernel by reviewing the Memory-Mapped Host Interfaces sample from the oneAPI Samples for FPGA GitHub repository.

The annotated_arg class has the following arguments. For full descriptions and details, refer to The annotated_arg Template Class.

The annotated_arg Template Class Properties Summary
Template Object or Parameter Description Valid Values
Interface Type Properties
sycl::ext::intel::experimental::conduit Create a dedicated input conduit on the kernel. N/A
sycl::ext::intel::experimental::register_map Creates an input register map for the input instead of a dedicated input port. N/A
sycl::ext::intel::experimental::stable Specifies that the input to the kernel does not change between pipelined invocations of the kernel.

The input can change after all active kernel invocations have finished.

Pointer Kernel Argument Properties

You can use the annotated_arg class to annotate kernel arguments with either lambda kernels or functor kernels.

Functor Example
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include <sycl/ext/intel/fpga_extension.hpp>
using namespace sycl;
using namespace ext::intel::experimental;
using namespace ext::oneapi::experimental;
struct kernel {
   annotated_arg<int*, decltype(properties{ conduit,
                                           })> mm_a;
    void operator()() const {
           *mm_a = 1;
Lambda Example
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#include <sycl/ext/intel/fpga_extension.hpp>
using namespace sycl;
using namespace ext::intel::experimental;
using namespace ext::oneapi::experimental;
class kernel;
void launch_kernel(queue& q, int* a) {
    auto mm_a = annotated_arg(a,  conduit,
    q.single_task<class kernel>([=] {
         *mm_a = 1;