AN 1003: Multi Memory IP System Resource Planning: for Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGAs

ID 788295
Date 11/22/2023
Document Table of Contents

2.1. Preliminary Guidelines

The following preliminary guidelines apply to the understanding of the information and diagrams in this document:

  • This document provides reference information for planning performance-optimized designs. However, ultimately you must compile your design in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software to determine optimal device selection, hard memory NoC utilization, and pin placement.
  • The impact of this document's guidelines and recommendations on performance may vary, depending on your application traffic scenario, controller IP settings, and NoC settings.
  • Use the Interface Planner in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software to obtain an accurate view of placement restrictions.
  • The recommendations provided in this document are only applicable to the -2 device speed grade supported performance, unless otherwise noted.
  • Some diagrams in this document do not depict AXI4 targets (TNIUs) nor AXI4-Lite targets (TNIU Lite) for simplicity and focus on design impact elements.
  • This document provides some preliminary bandwidth and efficiency data derived from architectural knowledge and simulations. Hardware data collection is ongoing and these guidelines are subject to change.
  • AXI4 initiator labeling in all diagrams shows logical numbering and labeling. For the physical initiator name, refer to the Top-Edge Hard Memory NoC Locations in Interface Planner and Bottom-Edge Hard Memory NoC Locations in Interface Planner topics in Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGA Network-on-Chip (NoC) User Guide.
  • The performance and efficiency data for memory controller and IP in this document are based on simulation. Efficiency is also dependent on the configuration of the memory controller. The efficiency numbers in this document represent the best-case configuration for each scenario.
  • Any architecture or protocol information is outside the scope of this document. Refer to individual IP user guides for any architectural and protocol-based information.