AN 1003: Multi Memory IP System Resource Planning: for Intel Agilex® 7 M-Series FPGAs

ID 788295
Date 11/22/2023
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5.12. AxID

The NoC bridges and the EMIF and HBM2E memory controllers can all take advantage of AxID ordering rules to return data out of order, and return certain transactions earlier.

Using different AxID for transactions that do not need to be returned in order can reduce average latency, especially in non-sequential access patterns.

A typical application of this technique is for a multiport front end or other traffic combiner in front of the NoC initiator. If those traffic sources are independent, they should use different AxIDs. The NoC bridges and memory controllers support up to 16 unique AxIDs.

Figure 37. Relative Average Latency Versus Number of IDs Used HBM Random Access