Visible to Intel only — GUID: ubc1697645316422
Answers to Top FAQs
1. About This Application Note
2. Component Bandwidth Projections and Limitations
3. Resource Planning for Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGAs
4. Factors Affecting NoC Performance
5. Debugging the NoC
6. Document Revision History of AN 1003: Multi Memory IP System Resource Planning for Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGAs
3.1. Hard Memory NoC Resource Planning Overview
3.2. I/O Bank Blockage
3.3. Planning Avalon® Streaming Utilization
3.4. Planning for Initiator Blockage Impact from GPIO, LVDS SERDES, and PHY Lite Bypass Mode
3.5. Planning NoC PLL and I/O PLL
3.6. Pin Planning for HPS EMIF
3.7. Planning for an External Memory Interface
3.8. Planning for HBM2E
3.9. Planning for the Fabric NoC
3.10. Planning for AXI4-Lite
3.11. Planning NoC and Memory Solution Clocks
4.1. Recommended Performance Tuning Procedure
4.2. NoC Initiator and Target Clock Rate
4.3. Recommended NoC Design Topologies
4.4. Traffic Access Pattern and Memory Controller Efficiency
4.5. Traffic Access Pattern Due To Multiple Traffic Flows
4.6. Transaction Size
4.7. Congestion Interaction
4.8. Bandwidth Sharing At Each Switch
4.9. Exceeding NoC Bandwidth Limits
4.10. Maximum Number of Outstanding Transactions
4.11. QoS Priority
4.12. AxID
4.13. Example: 2x2 HBM Crossbars
4.14. Example: 16x16 Crossbar
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ubc1697645316422
5.2. Debugging NoC Bit Errors
Errors where the transaction completes correctly, but not all of the data is correct, are indicative of a signal quality issue (bit errors) caused by electrical or timing problems. The source of the error can be at the external memory interface, or a source internal to the FPGA.
Follow these steps to debug bit errors for the NoC:
- Run the Quartus® Prime software Timing Analyzer and view the results for your design to ensure that there are no failing paths. Refer to Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer.
- Run the Quartus® Prime software Design Assistant and compare the recommendations with your design's timing constraints to ensure that all paths are properly constrained. Refer to Design Assistant Design Rule Checking in Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations.
- Review the quality of the external memory interfaces in your design. Check the calibration margins and also refer to specific debugging guidelines in the Debugging chapter of the External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGA IP User Guide.
- Use the available External Memory Interfaces Intel Agilex 7 M-Series FPGA IP or High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2E) Interface Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGA IP example designs with your hardware to debug issues with the available traffic generator Intel FPGA IP. This technique allows you to use a properly constrained reference design to focus your debug on only external interface issues.
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