Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: Agilex™ 5 E-Series Virtual Platform User Guide

ID 786901
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.4.8. Intel® Simics® Text Console

The Intel® Simics® text console component helps in displaying text from a serial device, such as a UART interface. You can instantiate this component as a board component either as an additional serial console or to replace the default console. During the instantiation of the component, you can customize the following attributes:
Table 27.  Customizable Attributes of the Intel® Simics® Text Console
Attribute Description
visible Specifies if the console must be visible upon console start-up.
height Specifies the height of the console window.
width Specifies the width of the console window.
title Specifies the console window title.
fg_color Specifies the default foreground color, either by name (blue) or on the form (#RRGGBB).
bg_color Specifies the default background color, either by name (red) or on the form (#RRGGBB).
scrollback Specifies the maximum number of scrollback lines.
telnet_port Specifies the port to open a Telnet server. It is independent on the visible attribute.

The port must not be a privileged port (allowed range is [1024, 65535] or 0 for an arbitrary port). If the port cannot be opened, an arbitrary port is chosen instead.

Component: txt_console_comp

Instantiating a New Text Console from the Board Component

In this example, a new text console connected to serial0 connector under the HPS component is created with the specified attributes. The text console is instantiated under the board component as follows:

self.add_component( "console0",
                       ["visible", True],
                       ["fg_color", "white"],
                       ["bg_color", "blue"],
                       ["height", 30],
                       ["width", 100],
                       ["title", "My serial console"]
self.get_slot("console0.con").convert_crlf = True
self.connect(self.get_slot("fpga.soc_inst.hps_subsys.agilex_hps.serial0"), self.get_slot("console0.serial"))
  • Changes in the board component requires rebuilding the virtual platform with the make command.
  • You can disable the original serial console from the target script using $create_hps_serial0_console = FALSE.