Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: Agilex™ 5 E-Series Virtual Platform User Guide

ID 786901
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.2.1. External Memory Interface (EMIF)

The following table lists the support status of the EMIF component. This component models the Agilex™ External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) for HPS Intel FPGA IP. The table also indicates any component limitations and the object created in the Intel® Simics® model of the FPGA component.

Table 17.  Support Status of the EMIF Component and Its Limitation
Component Supported? Limitations | Objects
  • Limitations:
    • Model is just a black box with mailbox functionality and not a fully functional model. Currently, mailbox response is updated for any command operation code.

      If the command operation code is not associated with its corresponding command type, the model does not indicate an error. However, if the command type is 0, it results in NOP.

      DDR access is direct from EMIF without MPFE.

  • Object: system.board.fpga.soc_inst.hps_subsys.emif