Agilex™ 7 LVDS SERDES User Guide: M-Series

ID 768615
Date 7/23/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.1.3. LVDS SERDES IP Usage Modes

You can implement four usage modes using the LVDS SERDES IP.
  • Transmitter—specify the Number of TX channels to generate the IP as a transmitter.
  • Non-DPA receiver—specify the Number of RX channels and select the RX Non-DPA option to generate the IP as non-DPA receiver.
  • DPA receiver—specify the Number of RX channels and select the RX DPA-FIFO option to generate the IP as DPA receiver.
  • Soft CDR receiver—specify the Number of RX channels and select the RX Soft-CDR option to generate the IP as soft-CDR receiver.

Each GPIO-B sub-bank can support one IP instance with a maximum of 12 transmitter and 12 receiver channels. For designs with more than 12 channels, you must generate a new LVDS SERDES IP instance and place it in a new GPIO-B sub-bank.

Table 10.  Supported Usage Modes with Number of IP Instances in an I/O Sub-BankThis table lists the supported number of LVDS SERDES IP instances based on the usage modes and PLL configurations for one GPIO-B sub-bank.
Number of Channels Usage Modes PLL Configuration Number of IP Instances


Maximum of 24 transmitter and receiver channels combination per sub-bank.

Transmitters and receivers
  • Internal PLL—you can drive both transmitters and receivers in a single LVDS SERDES instance with an internal PLL
  • External PLL


1–23 Transmitters External PLL 1
Internal PLL 1
1–23 Receivers External PLL 1
Internal PLL 1
Note: You must use one of the differential pin pairs for the I/O PLL reference clock.