Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.6. Specifying BSP Defaults

The BSP Editor sets BSP defaults using a set of Tcl scripts. These scripts specify default BSP settings. The scripts are located in the following directory:

<Intel Quartus Prime software installation directory>/niosv/scripts/bsp-defaults

Table 20.  Default Tcl Script Components
Script Level Summary
bsp-set-defaults.tcl Top-level Sets system-dependent settings to default values.
bsp-stdio-utils.tcl Helper Specifies stdio device settings.
bsp-timer-utils.tcl Helper Specifies system timer device setting.
bsp-linker-utils.tcl Helper Specifies memory regions and section mappings for linker script.
bsp-bootloader-utils.tcl Helper Specifies bootloader-related settings.
bsp-exception-utils.tcl Helper Specifies instruction-related exception settings.

The BSP Editor uses the default Tcl scripts to specify default values for system-dependent settings. System-dependent settings are BSP settings that reference system information in the .qsys file.

The BSP Editor executes the default Tcl script before any user-specified Tcl scripts. As a result, user input overrides settings made by the default Tcl script. You can pass command line option (--script) to the default Tcl script to override the choices it makes.

The default Tcl scripts use slave descriptors to assign devices