Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.1. Getting Started with the Hardware Abstraction Layer

The easiest way to start using the HAL is to create a software project. In creating a new project, you also create a HAL BSP. You do not need to create or copy HAL files, or edit any HAL source code. The BSP Editor generates the HAL BSP for you.

In the Nios® V processor software tools command line, you can create an example BSP based on the HAL using the niosv-bsp utility.

You must base the HAL on a specific Platform Designer system. A Nios® V processor system consists of a Nios® V processor core integrated with peripherals and memory. Platform Designer generates Nios® V processor systems.

You can use an Intel provided example project for Nios® V processor to develop your Nios® V processor system. You can re-target it to a different board later, or develop your own custom Nios® V processor.