Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 7/08/2024

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14.1. Read-Only Zip File System in BSP Editor

The read-only zip file system is supported by Nios® V processor software development flows. To use the zip file system, use the Board Support Package (BSP) Editor to include the software package
You must specify the following parameters in the BSP Editor to configure the file system:
Table 47.  Read-Only Zip File System Parameters
Parameters Memory
SDM AS Configuration Flash Other
Name of the mount point for the file system (e.g., /mnt/rozipfs) Yes Yes
Offset from the memory base address Yes Yes
Base address of the memory in Platform Designer No Yes
Enable Mailbox Client IP driver Yes No
Name of the Mailbox Client IP from system.h (e.g., /dev/mailbox_ip) Yes No
Figure 24. Configuring Read-Only Zip File System with SDM AS Configuration Flash
Note: Assumption:
  • Using SDM AS configuration flash.
  • Read-only zip file system starts from 0x2000000 (Offset of 0x2000000 from flash base address).
Figure 25. Configuring Read-Only Zip File System with Other Memories
Note: Assumption:
  • Using other memories.
  • Memory starts from 0x8000000 in Platform Designer.
  • Read-only zip file system starts from 0xA000000 (Offset of 0x2000000 from memory base address).

After you make these settings, the BSP Editor includes and links the file subsystem in the project. After you rebuild the project, the system.h file reflects the presence of this software package in the system.

To read the example.txt, use the command as below.
fopen("/mnt/rozipfs/example.txt", "r");