Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

12.7.2. Network IP configuration

You can configure the MAC and IP addresses of the µC/TCP-IP module by editing the struct network_conf conf in main().

struct network_conf call out below function prototype in uc_tcp_ip_init.c to configure IP address through static IP or DHCP server
  • CPU_BOOLEAN conf_static() – this function is used to configure static IP address
  • CPU_BOOLEAN conf_dhcp() - this function calls the AppInit_DHCPc() to initialize µC/DHCPc and start DHCPc negotiation for the interface to acquire IP address dynamically. This function returns only after DHCP negotiation is completed

For more information on other µC/TCP-IP configuration, refer to Nios V Embedded Processor Design Handbook which contains below information.

  • Configuring Hardware Name
  • Configuring MAC and IP Addresses
  • Configuring µC/TCP-IP Initialization
  • Configuring iPerf Server Auto-Initialization