AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for Xilinx* Users

ID 683562
Date 2/25/2022

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Document Table of Contents

3.3.11. Power Analysis

Similar to the Xilinx* Power Estimator and Report Power tool, Intel provides tools that allow you to estimate power consumption from early design concept trough design implementation.
Table 22.  Power Analysis Comparison
GUI Feature Xilinx* Vivado* Software Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software
Power Analysis

Xilinx* Power Estimator (XPE)

Report Power

Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC)

Early Power Estimation (EPE)

Power Analyzer

For Intel® Agilex™ and Intel® Stratix® 10 devices, the Intel FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator (PTC) is integrated with Intel® Quartus® Prime software to help you estimate power consumption and preliminary thermal assessments of your design. Run the PTC by selecting Tools > Power and Thermal Calculator in the Intel® Quartus® Prime GUI. You can also download a standalone version from the Power Estimators (EPE) and Power Analyzer page of the Intel® FPGA Support Resources website.

For other device families, use the Early Power Estimation (EPE) tool. The EPE tool is a spreadsheet tool that helps you estimate power consumption at early design concept. Download the EPE tool from the Power Estimators (EPE) and Power Analyzer page on the Intel® FPGA Support Resources website.

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Power Analyzer tool performs post-fitting power analysis and generates a report that details power consumption of the design by block type and entity. To open the Power Analyzer tool, click Processing > Power Analyzer Tool.