Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Suppressing Message Display

You can suppress display of unimportant messages from the Messages window, so that you can focus on the messages that are important to you. To suppress one or more messages from displaying in the Messages window, right-click the message, and then click any of the following commands:
  • Suppress Message—suppresses all messages that match the exact text you specify.
  • Suppress Messages with Matching ID—suppresses all messages that match the message ID number you specify, ignoring variables.
  • Suppress Messages with Matching Keyword—suppresses all messages that match the keyword or hierarchy you specify.
  • Message Suppression Manager—allows you to create and edit message suppression rules. You can define message suppression rules by message text, message ID number, or keyword.
  • You cannot suppress error or Intel legal agreement messages.
  • Suppressing a message also suppresses any submessages.
  • A root message does not display if you suppress all of the root message's submessages.
  • Message suppression is project revision-specific. Derivative project revisions inherit any suppression.
  • You cannot edit messages or suppression rules during compilation.
  • Messages are written to stdout when you use command-line executables.
Figure 49. Message Suppression Manager

Suppressing Messages by Design Entity

You can optionally suppress messages by design entity without modifying HDL. Entity-based message suppression can be helpful to eliminate insignificant warnings for specific IP components or design entities that may be obscuring other more important warnings.

To suppress messages by design entity, add the following line to the project .qsf, or to the .qip file for stand-alone IP components:

set_global_assignment -name MESSAGE_DISABLE -entity <name>