Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Modifying Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Files

Quartus® Prime Pro Edition introduces new methodology for entity names, settings, and assignments. These changes impact the processing of Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Files (.stp).
If you migrate a project that includes .stp files generated by other Quartus software products, you must make the following changes to migrate to the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition:
  1. Remove entity names from .stp files. The Signal Tap Logic Analyzer allows without error, but ignores, entity names in .stp files. Remove entity names from .stp files for migration to Quartus® Prime Pro Edition:
    1. Click View > Node Finder to locate and remove appropriate nodes. Use Node Finder options to filter on nodes.
    2. Click Processing > Start > Start Analysis & Elaboration to repopulate the database and add valid node names.
  2. Remove post-fit nodes. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition uses a different post-fit node naming scheme than other Quartus software products.
    1. Remove post-fit tap node names originating from other Quartus software products.
    2. Click View > Node Finder to locate and remove post-fit nodes. Use Node Finder options to filter on nodes.
    3. Click Processing > Start Compilation to repopulate the database and add valid post-fit nodes.
  3. Run an initial compilation in Quartus® Prime Pro Edition from the GUI. The Compiler automatically removes Signal Tap assignments originating other Quartus software products. Alternatively, from the command-line, run quartus_stp once on the project to remove outmoded assignments.
    Note: quartus_stp introduces no migration impact in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition. Your scripts require no changes to quartus_stp for migration.
  4. Modify .sdc constraints for JTAG. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition does not support embedded .sdc constraints for JTAG signals. Modify the timing template to suit the design's JTAG driver and board.