Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.4. Adding IP to IP Catalog

The IP Catalog automatically displays Intel® FPGA IP and other IP components that have a corresponding _hw.tcl or .ipx file located in the project directory, in the default Quartus® Prime installation directory, or in the IP search path. You can optionally add your own custom or third-party IP component to IP Catalog by adding the component's _hw.tcl or .ipx file to the IP search path.

Follow these steps to add custom or third-party IP to the IP Catalog:

Figure 8. Specifying IP Search Locations
  1. In the Quartus® Prime software, click Tools > Options > IP Search Path) to open the IP Search Path Options dialog box.
  2. Click Add or Remove to add/remove a location that contains IP.
  3. To refresh the IP Catalog, click Refresh IP Catalog in the Quartus® Prime Platform Designer, or click File > Refresh System in Platform Designer.
    Figure 9. Refreshing IP Catalog