Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024

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4.3. IP General Settings

The following settings control how the Quartus® Prime software manages IP cores in a project:

Table 9.  Location of IP Core General Settings in the Quartus® Prime Software
Setting Description Location
Maximum Platform Designer memory usage size Increase if you experience slow processing for large systems, or for out of memory errors. Tools > Options > Board & IP Settings


Left-hand Tasks pane > Settings > Board & IP Settings

IP generation HDL preference The parameter editor generates the HDL you specify for IP variations.
IP Regeneration Policy Controls when synthesis files regenerate for each IP variation. Typically, you Always regenerate synthesis files for IP cores after making changes to an IP variation.
Generate IP simulation model when generating IP Enables automatic generation of simulation models every time you generate the IP.
Use available processors for parallel generation of Quartus project IPs Directs Platform Designer to generate IPs in parallel, using the number of processors that you specify in the Compilation Process Settings pane of the Quartus® Prime project settings.
Additional project and global IP search locations. The Quartus® Prime software searches for IP cores in the project directory, in the Quartus® Prime installation directory, and in the IP search path. Tools > Options > IP Catalog Search Locations


Left-hand Tasks pane > Settings > IP Catalog Search Locations