Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024

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7.1.2. Exploring Quartus® Prime Project Contents

The Quartus® Prime software organizes your design work within a project. You can create and compare multiple revisions of your project, to experiment with settings that achieve your design goals. When you create a new project in the GUI, the Quartus® Prime software automatically creates an Quartus® Prime Project File (.qpf) for that project. The .qpf references the Quartus® Prime Settings File (.qsf). The .qsf lists the project's design, constraint, and IP files, and stores project-wide and entity-specific settings that you specify in the GUI. You do not need to edit the text-based .qpf or .qsf files directly. The Quartus® Prime software creates and updates these files automatically as you make changes in the GUI.
Table 30.   Quartus® Prime Project Files
File Type Contains To Edit Format
Project file Project and revision name File > New Project Wizard Quartus® Prime Project File (.qpf)
Settings file Lists design files, entity settings, target device, synthesis directives, placement constraints Assignments > Settings Quartus® Prime Settings File (.qsf)
Quartus database Project compilation results Project > Export Design Quartus Database File (.qdb)
Partition database Partition compilation results Project > Export Design Partition Partition Database File (.qdb)
Timing constraints Clock properties, exceptions, setup/hold Tools > Timing Analyzer Synopsys Design Constraints File (.sdc)
Logic design files RTL and other design source files File > New All supported HDL files
Programming files Device programming image and information Tools > Programmer

SRAM Object File (.sof)

Programmer Object File (.pof)

IP core files IP core variation parameterization Tools > IP Catalog Quartus® Prime IP File (.ip)
Platform Designer system files System definition Tools > Platform Designer Platform Designer System File (.qsys)
EDA tool files Scripts for third-party EDA tools Assignments > Settings > EDA Tool Settings Verilog Output File (.vo)

VHDL Output File (.vho)

Verilog Quartus Mapping File (.vqm)

Archive files Complete project as single compressed file Project > Archive Project Quartus® Prime Archive File (.qar)