Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.7.1. Exporting a Version-Compatible Compilation Database

You can export a project compilation database to a format that ensures version-compatibility with a later version of the Quartus® Prime software. The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version supports export of version-compatible databases for the following software versions and devices:
Table 33.  Version-Compatible Compilation Database SupportThe first table column indicates the first version to support version-compatible compilation database export for the specified devices.
  • Database import supports two major versions back. For example, a database that you export from version 23.1, you can then import using version 23.1, 23.3, and 24.1. However, you cannot import version 22.3 to 24.1.
  • You can export from any version that follows a supported version, if the version still supports the devices.
First Version with 'Export Design' Support Stratix® 10 and Agilex™ Family Devices Arria® 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
18.0 No Support. Supports all devices.
  • 1SG250L
  • 1SG280H_S2
  • 1SG280L
  • 1SG280L_S3
  • 1SX250L
  • 1SX280L
  • 1SX280L_S3
Supports all devices.
  • 1SM16BH
  • 1SM21BH
  • 1SM16CH
  • 1SM21CH
  • 1SM21KH
  • 1SM16KH
  • 1SM21LH
  • 1SM16LH
Supports all devices.
  • 1SG10MH_U1
  • 1SG10MH_U2
  • 1ST250E
  • 1ST280E
  • 1SM16E
  • 1SM21E
  • 1ST165E
  • 1ST210E
  • 1SG166H
  • 1SG211H
Supports all devices.
  • 1SD280P
  • 1ST040E
  • 1ST085E
  • 1ST110E
Supports all devices.
  • 1SD21BP
  • 1SG040H
  • 1SX040H
Supports all devices.
  • 1SN21BH
  • 1SN21CE
Supports all devices.
21.1 -  
  • 1SG065HH
  • 1SX065HH
No support
  • AGFA012R24A
  • AGFA014R24A
  • AGFA022R25A
  • AGFA027R25A
No support
  • AGFA023R25A
  • AGFB023R25A
  • AGFC023R25A
  • AGFD023R25A
  • AGFA019R25A
  • AGFB019R25A
  • AGFC019R25A
  • AGFD019R25A
No support
  • AGFC023R25A
  • AGFD023R25A
No support
  • 1SG280HU1
  • 1SG210HU1
  • 1SG200HN1
No support
  • AGRW014R17B
No support
  1. In the Quartus® Prime software, open the project that you want to export.
  2. Generate synthesis or final compilation results by running one of the following commands:
    • Click Processing > Start > Start Analysis & Synthesis to generate synthesized compilation results.
    • Click Processing > Start Compilation to generate final compilation results.
  3. Click Project > Export Design. Select the synthesized or final Snapshot.
    Figure 54. Export Design Dialog Box
  4. Specify a name for the Quartus Database File to contain the exported results, and click OK.
  5. To include the exported design's settings and constraint files, copy the .qsf and .sdc files to the import project directory.