Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Defining Preset Pin Assignments

You can define pin assignments that are included as part of an IP preset. When you apply the IP preset to an IP instance, the pin assignments export during the IP or system's HDL generation.
Note: Preset pin assignments are not yet integrated with other Quartus Prime software pin assignment tools, such as Pin Planner, Assignment Editor, Chip Planner, and Interface Planner. These other Quartus Prime pin planning tools do not currently show or allow you to modify any preset pin assignments that you make in Platform Designer. You can only view and edit preset pin assignments in Platform Designer.

IP presets are only compatible with the version of the IP for which they were created. Applying a preset for a different version of the IP may result in invalid or incomplete parameterization. Platform Designer does not verify preset and IP version compatibility.

You define preset pin assignments in the Pin Assignments tab of the New Preset dialog box, or in a Pin Assignments File (.tcl) that you create.