JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide: Quartus® Prime Standard Edition

ID 683094
Date 7/19/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.4. Presets

Standard presets allow instant entry of pre-selected parameter values in the IP and Example Design tabs. You can select the presets at the lower right window in the parameter editor.

The parameter values chosen for the presets belong to the group of supported JESD204B IP configurations for design example generation. You can select one of the presets available for your target device to quickly generate a design example without having to manually set each parameter in the IP tab and verifying that the parameter matches the supported configurations set. There are two preset settings available in the library:

  • RTL State Machine Control example design
Note: Selecting a preset overwrites any pre-existing parameter selections for the IP core under the IP tab. Use the generic example design option instead if you want to retain your pre-selected IP core parameter selections.
Table 8.   Preset Settings
JESD204B IP Parameters Presets
RTL State Machine Control
Devices Support V series and Arria 10
L 2
M 2
F 2
K 16
S 1
Wrapper Options Both Base and Phy
Data Path Duplex
JESD204B Subclass 1
Data Rate 6144
PCS Option Enabled Hard PCS
Bonding Mode Bonded
Enable Transceiver Dynamic Reconfiguration Yes
PLL/CDR Reference Clock Frequency 153.6
Enable Bit Reversal And Byte Reversal No
N 16
N’ 16
CS 0
CF 0
High Density User Data Format (HD) 0
Enable scramble (SCR) Yes
Enable Error Code Correction (ECC_EN) Yes