AN 798: Partial Reconfiguration with the Arria 10 HPS

ID 683034
Date 1/25/2017
Document Table of Contents

Loading and Unloading the Device Tree Overlays

  1. Boot the SoC Development Kit using the updated SD card.
  2. From the /boot/ directory, run the following commands to load the base static region device tree overlay. This creates the device tree node that can be modified to load and unload the example PR region personas.
    root@arria10:~# dtbt -a base_static.dtbo -p /boot
    Set dtbo search path to /boot
    Applying dtbo: base_static.dtbo
  3. Check the list of applied overlays using the following command.
    root@arria10:~# dtbt -l
    1 fpga_static_region.dtbo applied /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/1-base_static.dtbo
  4. Load the default PR region persona using the following command.
    root@arria10:~# dtbt -a pr_region_default.dtbo -p /boot
    Set dtbo search path to /boot
    Applying dtbo: pr_region_default.dtbo
    [ 78.934742] fpga_manager fpga0: writing pr_region_default.rbf to SoCFPGA Arria10 FPGA Manager
  5. Check the system ID value using the following command.
    root@arria10:~# cat /sys/bus/platform/drivers/altera_sysid/ \
  6. Unload the default PR region persona and load the alternate persona using the following commands.
    root@arria10:~# dtbt -r pr_region_default.dtbo -p /boot
    Set dtbo search path to /boot
    Removing dtbo: 2-pr_region_default.dtbo
    root@arria10:~# dtbt -a pr_region_alt.dtbo -p /boot
    Set dtbo search path to /boot
    Applying dtbo: pr_region_alt.dtbo
    [ 437.905424] fpga_manager fpga0: writing pr_region_alt.rbf to SoCFPGA Arria10 FPGA Manager
  7. Check the system ID value of the newly loaded alternate persona with the following command.
    root@arria10:~# cat \
  8. Finally, remove the PR region alternate persona using the following command.
    root@arria10:~# dtbt -r pr_region_alt.dtbo -p /boot
    Set dtbo search path to /boot
    Removing dtbo: 2-pr_region_alt.dtbo