AN 798: Partial Reconfiguration with the Arria 10 HPS

ID 683034
Date 1/25/2017
Document Table of Contents

Critical Information in the Default Device Tree

Listed below is the critical information provided in the default device tree, which is located with the Linux kernel source. /soc/base_fpga_region defines an empty FPGA region that is filled in by loading a device tree overlay after boot. This entry links to the FPGA manager, which is used to configure this FPGA region. In the example in this document, you add a PR FPGA region as a child node of /soc/base_fpga_region . This region inherits the link to the FPGA manager created in this boot device tree.


/ {
	#address-cells = <1>;
	#size-cells = <1>;
        soc {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		device_type = "soc";
		interrupt-parent = <&intc>;

		base_fpga_region {
			compatible = "fpga-region";
			fpga-mgr = <&fpga_mgr>;

			#address-cells = <0x1>;
			#size-cells = <0x1>;
			 * NOTE: This node will be the parent for
			 *       the PR FPGA Region that is managed
			 *       using device tree overlays. The child
			 *       FPGA Regions will inherit the link to
			 *       the FPGA Manger created here.

		fpga_mgr: fpga-mgr@ffd03000 {
			compatible = "altr,socfpga-a10-fpga-mgr";
			reg = <0xffd03000 0x100
			       0xffcfe400 0x20>;
			clocks = <&l4_mp_clk>;
			resets = <&rst FPGAMGR_RESET>;
			reset-names = "fpgamgr";
