Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9222EEA4-1A70-43C6-816C-6B984B32E80C
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-9222EEA4-1A70-43C6-816C-6B984B32E80C
Portability Function: Renames a file or directory.
result = RENAMEFILEQQ (oldname,newname)
oldname |
(Input) Character*(*). Current name of the file or directory to be renamed. |
newname |
(Input) Character*(*). New name of the file or directory. |
The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..
You can use RENAMEFILEQQ to move a file from one directory to another on the same drive by giving a different path in the newname parameter.
If the function fails, call GETLASTERRORQQ to determine the reason. One of the following errors can be returned:
ERR$ACCES - Permission denied. The file's or directory's permission setting does not allow the specified access.
ERR$EXIST - The file or directory already exists.
ERR$NOENT - File or directory or path specified by oldname not found.
ERR$XDEV - Attempt to move a file or directory to a different device.
USE IFPORT USE IFCORE INTEGER(4) len CHARACTER(80) oldname, newname LOGICAL(4) result WRITE(*,'(A, \)') ' Enter old name: ' len = GETSTRQQ(oldname) WRITE(*,'(A, \)') ' Enter new name: ' len = GETSTRQQ(newname) result = RENAMEFILEQQ(oldname, newname) END