Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-D5A3F511-42FD-4FDF-8963-908A3A44F4AC
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-D5A3F511-42FD-4FDF-8963-908A3A44F4AC
Graphics Function: Returns the current orientation of the font text output by OUTGTEXT. This routine is only available for Windows.
The result type is INTEGER(4). It is the current orientation of the font text output in tenths of degrees. Horizontal is 0°, and angles increase counterclockwise so that 900 tenths of degrees (90°) is straight up, 1800 tenths of degrees (180°) is upside-down and left, 2700 tenths of degrees (270°) is straight down, and so forth.
The orientation for text output with OUTGTEXT is set with SETGTEXTROTATION.
! Build as QuickWin or Standard Graphics USE IFQWIN INTEGER ang REAL rang ang = GETGTEXTROTATION( ) rang = FLOAT(ang)/10.0 WRITE(*,*) "Text tilt in degrees is: ", rang END