Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Named Constants in the ISO_C_BINDING Module

The ISO_C_BINDING named constants represent kind type parameters of data representations compatible with C types.

Intrinsic-Type Constants

The following table shows interoperable Fortran types and C Types.

Fortran Type

Named Constant for the KIND

C Type






short int



long int



long long int



signed char, unsigned char

For example, an integer type with the kind type parameter C_LONG is interoperable with the C integer type "long" or any C type derived from "long".

The value of C_INT will be a valid value for an integer kind type parameter on the processor. The values for the other integer named constants (C_INT*) will be a valid value for an integer kind type parameter on the processor, if any, or one of the following:

  • -1 if the C processor defines the corresponding C type and there is no interoperating Fortran processor kind

  • -2 if the C processor does not define the corresponding C type

The values of C_FLOAT, C_DOUBLE, and C_LONG_DOUBLE will be a valid value for a real kind type parameter on the processor, if any, or one of the following:

  • -1 if the C processor's type does not have a precision equal to the precision of any of the Fortran processor's real kinds

  • -2 if the C processor's type does not have a range equal to the range of any of the Fortran processor's real kinds

  • -3 if the C processor's type has neither the precision or range equal to the precision or range of any of the Fortran processor's real kinds

  • -4 if there is no interoperating Fortran processor or kind for other reasons

The values of C_FLOAT_COMPLEX, C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, and C_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be the same as those of C_FLOAT, C_DOUBLE, and C_LONG_DOUBLE, respectively.

The value of C_BOOL will be a valid value for a logical kind parameter on the processor, if any, or -1.

The value of C_CHAR is the character kind.

Character Constants

The following table shows interoperable named constants and C characters:

Fortran Named Constant


C Character


null character









form feed



new line


Derived-Type Constants

The constant C_NULL_PTR is of type C_PTR; it has the value of a C null data pointer. The constant C_NULL_FUNPTR is of type C_FUNPTR; it has the value of a C null function pointer.