Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Intrinsic Subroutine (Generic): Prefetches data from the specified address on one memory cache line. Intrinsic subroutines cannot be passed as actual arguments.

CALL MM_PREFETCH (address[,hint] [,fault] [,exclusive])


(Input) Is the name of a scalar or array; it can be of any type or rank. It specifies the address of the data on the cache line to prefetch.


(Input; optional) Is an optional default integer constant with one of the following values:


Prefetch Constant




Prefetches into the L1 cache (and the L2 and the L3 cache). Use this for integer data.



Prefetches into the L2 cache (and the L3 cache); floating-point data is used from the L2 cache, not the L1 cache. Use this for real data.



Prefetches into the L2 cache (and the L3 cache); this line will be marked for early displacement. Use this if you are not going to reuse the cache line frequently.



Prefetches into the L2 cache (but not the L3 cache); this line will be marked for early displacement. Use this if you are not going to reuse the cache line.

The preceding constants are defined in file fordef.for on Windows* systems and file fordef.f on Linux* and macOS systems.

If hint is omitted, 0 is assumed.


(Input; optional) Is an optional default logical constant. If .TRUE. is specified, page faults are allowed to occur, if necessary; if .FALSE. is specified, page faults are not allowed to occur. If fault is omitted, .FALSE. is assumed. This argument is currently ignored.


(Input; optional) Is an optional default logical constant. If.TRUE. is specified, you get exclusive ownership of the cache line because you intend to assign to it; if .FALSE. is specified, there is no exclusive ownership. If exclusive is omitted, assumed. This argument is currently ignored.

subroutine spread_lf (a, b) PARAMETER (n = 1025) real*8 a(n,n), b(n,n), c(n) do j = 1,n do i = 1,100 a(i, j) = b(i-1, j) + b(i+1, j) call mm_prefetch (a(i+20, j), 1) call mm_prefetch (b(i+21, j), 1) enddo enddo print *, a(2, 567) stop end