Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Document Table of Contents


Tells the compiler to make certain assumptions.



-assume keyword[, keyword...]


-assume keyword[, keyword...]


/assume:keyword[, keyword...]



Specifies the assumptions to be made. Possible values are:


Disables all assume options.


Determines whether the backslash character is treated as a C-style control character syntax in character literals.


Determines whether data is immediately read from or written to disk or accumulated in a buffer. For variable length, unformatted files, determines whether data is buffered on input or read directly from disk to user variables.


Determines whether data is immediately written to the standard output device or accumulated in a buffer.


Determines whether units for the OPEN statement RECL specifier (record length) value in unformatted files are in bytes or longwords (four-byte units).


Determines whether conditional compilation as defined by the OpenMP Fortran API is enabled or disabled.


Determines whether contiguity is assumed for assumed-shape dummy arguments.


Determines whether contiguity is assumed for pointers.


Determines whether the compiler assumes that dummy arguments to procedures share memory locations with other dummy arguments or with COMMON variables that are assigned.


Determines whether the run-time system checks for failed images on a team of images when executing image control statements without a STAT= specifier, or when executing a call to MOVE_ALLOC or a collective or atomic subroutine that does not specify a STAT argument.


Determines whether a floating-point exceptions summary is displayed when a STOP or ERROR STOP statement is encountered.


Determines whether floating-point comparison operations are performed as IEEE signaling operations.


Determines whether the floating-point exception and status flags are saved on routine entry and restored on routine exit.


Determines whether the compiler uses Fortran 2003 or Fortran 90/77 standard semantics in the SIGN intrinsic when treating -0.0 and +0.0 as 0.0, and how it writes the value on formatted output.


Determines whether code for floating-point comparison operations involving NaNs is generated, or if the compiler can generate a faster code sequence because it assumes no NaNs will be encountered.


Determines whether the binary, octal, and hexadecimal constant arguments in intrinsic functions INT, REAL, DBLE, and CMPLX are treated as signed integer constants.


Determines whether Fortran 2018 rules are used to format floating-point numbers that have G0.0 or E0 or ES0 format edit descriptors.


Determines the value of the RECL= specifier on an INQUIRE statement for an unconnected unit or a unit connected for stream access.

Prior to Fortran 2018, this behavior was undefined (ifort used the value 0 for an unconnected file). Fortran 2018 specifies that the scalar-int-variable in the RECL= specifier becomes defined with -1 if the file is unconnected, and -2 if the file is connected for stream access.


Determines the output of integer and real values in list-directed and namelist-directed output.


Determines the format of a floating-point zero produced by list-directed output. old_ldout_zero uses exponential format; noold_ldout_zero uses fractional format.


Determines the behavior in assignment statements of logical values assigned to numeric variables and numeric values assigned to logical variables.


Determines whether NAMELIST and list-directed input accept logical values for numeric IO-list items and numeric values for logical IO-list items.


Determines the results of intrinsics MAXLOC and MINLOC when given an empty array as an argument or every element of the mask is false.


Determines whether unit * is treated the same as units 5 and 6, or is distinct.


Determines whether .XOR. is defined by the compiler as an intrinsic operator.


Determines whether memory allocation requests using the ALLOCATE statement are protected with critical sections to avoid random timing problems in a multi-threaded environment.


Determines whether a constant actual argument or a copy of it is passed to a called routine.


Determines whether the optimizer honors parentheses in REAL and COMPLEX expression evaluations by not reassociating operations.


Determines whether the compiler uses the current Fortran Standard rules or the old Fortran 2003 rules when interpreting assignment statements.


Determines whether procedures are compiled for recursion by default.


Determines whether the compiler searches for USE modules and INCLUDE files in the default directory or in the directory where the source file is located.


Determines whether the compiler assumes that dummy arguments with the INTENT(IN) attribute in a called procedure are not modified across a call, in accordance with the Fortran standard.


Determines whether to display a negative value that is not zero but rounds to zero on output with a leading minus sign.


Determines whether the names of module procedures are allowed to conflict with user external symbol names.


Determines whether the VALUE attribute has the effect as if the actual argument is assigned to a temporary, and the temporary is then passed to the called procedure so that subsequent changes to the value of the dummy argument do not affect the actual argument, in accordance with the Fortran standard.


Determines whether the compiler appends an underscore character to external user-defined names.

(Linux and macOS)

Determines whether the compiler appends two underscore characters to external user-defined names.


Determines whether character constants go into non-read-only memory.



The backslash character is treated as a normal character in character literals.


Data in the internal buffer is immediately read from or written (flushed) to disk (OPEN specifier BUFFERED='NO'). Data read from variable length, unformatted files is read directly from disk to a user's variables.

If you set the FORT_BUFFERED environment variable to true, the default is assume buffered_io.


Data is not buffered for the standard output device but instead is written immediately to the device.


Units for OPEN statement RECL values with unformatted files are in four-byte (longword) units.


Conditional compilation as defined by the OpenMP Fortran API is disabled unless option [q or Q]openmp is specified.

If compiler option [q or Q]openmp is specified, the default is assume cc_omp.


Contiguity is not assumed for assumed-shape dummy arguments.


Contiguity is not assumed for pointers.


Dummy arguments to procedures do not share memory locations with other dummy arguments or with variables shared through use association, host association, or common block use.


When an image executes an image control statement without a STAT= specifier, or when executing a MOVE_ALLOC or collective or atomic subroutine without a STAT argument, the run-time system does not explicitly check for failed images on the current team.


Suppresses a summary of floating-point exceptions from being displayed when a STOP or ERROR STOP statement is encountered.


Floating-point comparison operations are not performed using IEEE signaling compares.


The flags are not saved on routine entry and they are not restored on routine exit.


The compiler uses Fortran 90/77 standard semantics in the SIGN intrinsic to treat -0.0 and +0.0 as 0.0, and writes a value of 0.0 with no sign on formatted output.


Code is generated for floating-point compares to check for NaNs and give the same results as are performed when assume ieee_compares is specified, except a compare to a signaling NaN behaves as if it was a quiet NaN.


The binary, octal, and hexadecimal constant arguments in intrinsic functions INT, REAL, DBLE, and CMPLX are treated as bit strings that represent a value of the data type of the intrinsic, that is, the bits are not converted.


Formats output for the G0.0, E0 and ES0 edit descriptors as it did prior to conforming to the Fortran 2018 standard. G0.0 does not use the minimal width needed for a real value.

This setting causes the runtime to always remove the exponent letter E from the output for real values produced with the E0 and ES0 format edit descriptors.


The scalar-int-variable in a RECL= specifier of an INQUIRE statement for an unconnected unit becomes defined with the value 0; if the unit is connected for stream access, the value is undefined.


For list-directed and namelist-directed output, integers are written with a fixed width that is dependent on the integer kind, and zero real values are written using the E format.


For list-directed output of a floating-point zero, exponential format is used instead of fractional output.


In the assignment statement L = N, where L is a logical variable and N is a numeric value, N is converted to integer if necessary, and L is assigned the value .FALSE. if the integer value is 0, and .TRUE. if the integer value is -1 or 1 according to the setting of the compiler option fpscomp logicals.

In the assignment statement N = L, where N is a variable of numeric type and L is a logical value, if L is .FALSE., N is assigned the value 0, converted, if necessary, to the type of N. If L is .TRUE., N is assigned the value 1 or -1, converted, if necessary, to the type of N, according to the setting of the compiler option fpscomp logicals.

The compiler option fpscomp logicals specifies that non-zero values are treated as true and zero values are treated as false. The literal constant .TRUE. has an integer value of 1 and the literal constant .FALSE. has an integer value of 0.

The default is fpscomp nologicals, which specifies that odd integer values (low bit one) are treated as true and even integer values (low bit zero) are treated as false. The literal constant .TRUE. has an integer value of -1 and the literal constant .FALSE. has an integer value of 0.


Tells the compiler that NAMELIST and list-directed input cannot accept logical values (T, F, etc.) for numeric (integer, real, and complex) IO-list items or numeric values for logical IO-list items. If this option is specified and a logical value is given for a numeric item or a numeric value is given for a logical item in NAMELIST and list-directed input, a run-time error will be produced.


MAXLOC and MINLOC return 1 when given an empty array as an argument or every element of the mask is false.


The READs or WRITEs to UNIT=* go to stdin or stdout, respectively, even if UNIT=5 or 6 has been connected to another file.


Intrinsic operator .XOR. is defined by the compiler.


Memory allocation requests using the ALLOCATE statement are not protected with critical sections and may encounter random timing problems in a multi-threaded environment.


A constant actual argument is passed to a called routine. Any attempt to modify it results in an error.


The optimizer reorders REAL and COMPLEX expressions without regard for parentheses by reassociating operations if it produces faster executing code.


Tells the compiler that when the left-hand side of an assignment is an allocatable object, it should be reallocated to the shape of the right-hand side of the assignment before the assignment occurs. This is the current Fortran Standard definition. This feature may cause extra overhead at run time. The option standard-realloc-lhs has the same effect as assume realloc_lhs.


Tells the compiler that all procedures are not compiled for recursion, unless declared with the RECURSIVE keyword. Fortran 2018 specifies the default mode of compilation is recursion; previous standards specified no recursion. This default will change in a future release.


The compiler searches for USE modules and INCLUDE files in the directory where the source file is located.


The compiler assumes that dummy arguments with the INTENT(IN) attribute in a called procedure are not modified across a call, in accordance with the Fortran standard.


A negative value that is not zero but rounds to zero on output is displayed with a leading minus sign. For example, the value -0.00000001 in F5.1 format will be displayed as -0.0 rather than as 0.0.


The compiler allows the names of module procedures to conflict with user external symbol names.


The compiler assumes that the VALUE attribute has the effect as if the actual argument is assigned to a temporary, and the temporary is then passed to the called procedure so that subsequent changes to the value of the dummy argument do not affect the actual argument, in accordance with the Fortran standard.

Windows: nounderscore
Linux and macOS: underscore

On Windows* systems, the compiler does not append an underscore character to external user-defined names. On Linux* and macOS systems, the compiler appends an underscore character to external user-defined names.

(Linux and macOS)

The compiler does not append two underscore characters to external user-defined names that contain an embedded underscore.


The compiler puts character constants into read-only memory.


This option specifies assumptions to be made by the compiler.



assume none

Disables all the assume options.

assume bscc

Tells the compiler to treat the backslash character (\) as a C-style control (escape) character syntax in character literals. The "bscc" keyword means "BackSlashControlCharacters."

assume buffered_io

Tells the compiler to accumulate records in a buffer. This sets the default for opening sequential files to BUFFERED='YES', which also occurs if the FORT_BUFFERED run-time environment variable is specified.

When this option is specified, the internal buffer is filled, possibly by many record input statements (READ) or output statements (WRITE), before it is read from disk, or written to disk, by the Fortran run-time system. If a file is opened for direct access, I/O buffering is ignored.

Using buffered reads and writes usually makes disk I/O more efficient by handling larger blocks of data on disk less often. However, if you request buffered writes, records not yet written to disk may be lost in the event of a system failure.

The OPEN statement BUFFERED specifier applies to a specific logical unit. In contrast, the assume [no]buffered_io option and the FORT_BUFFERED environment variable apply to all Fortran units.

assume buffered_stdout

Tells the Fortran run-time system to accumulate data for the standard output device in a buffer. When the buffer is full or the user executes a FLUSH on OUTPUT_UNIT in intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, the data is displayed on the standard output unit.

Using buffered writes may be a more efficient in time and space but use assume nobuffered_stdout if you want data displayed immediately on the standard output device, like for an input prompt.

assume [no]buffered_stdout does not affect and is not affected by assume [no]buffered_io.

After compiling with this option, the default blocksize for stdout is 8 KB.

assume byterecl

Specifies that the units for the OPEN statement RECL specifier (record length) value are in bytes for unformatted data files, not longwords (four-byte units). For formatted files, the RECL value is always in bytes.

If a file is open for unformatted data and assume byterecl is specified, INQUIRE returns RECL in bytes; otherwise, it returns RECL in longwords. An INQUIRE returns RECL in bytes if the unit is not open.

IDE Equivalent

Visual Studio: Code Generation > Enable Recursive Routines (/assume:[no]recursion)

Compatibility > Treat Backslash as Normal Character in Strings (/assume:[no]bscc)

Data > Assume Dummy Arguments Share Memory Locations (/assume:dummy_aliases)

Data > Constant Actual Arguments Can Be Changed (/assume:noprotect_constants)

Data > Use Bytes as RECL=Unit for Unformatted Files (/assume:byterecl)

External Procedures > Append Underscore to External Names (/assume:underscore)

Floating Point > Enable IEEE Minus Zero Support (/assume:minus0)

Optimization > I/O Buffering (/assume:buffered_io)

Preprocessor > Default Include and Use Path (/assume:nosource_include)

Preprocessor > OpenMP Conditional Compilation (/assume:nocc_omp)

Alternate Options

assume nobscc

Linux and macOS: -nbs

Windows: /nbs

assume dummy_aliases

Linux and macOS: -common-args

Windows: /Qcommon-args

assume protect_parens

Linux and macOS: -fprotect-parens

Windows: /Qprotect-parens

assume realloc_lhs

Linux and macOS: -standard-realloc-lhs

Windows: /standard-realloc-lhs

assume recursion

Linux and macOS: -recursive

Windows: /recursive

See Also