Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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General Compiler Directive: Sets the line length for fixed-form Fortran source code.


You can set FIXEDFORMLINESIZE to 72 (the default), 80, or 132 characters. The FIXEDFORMLINESIZE setting remains in effect until the end of the file, or until it is reset.

The FIXEDFORMLINESIZE directive sets the source-code line length in include files, but not in USE modules, which are compiled separately. If an include file resets the line length, the change does not affect the host file.

This directive has no effect on free-form source code.

!DIR$ NOFREEFORM !DIR$ FIXEDFORMLINESIZE:132 WRITE (*,*) 'Sentence that goes beyond the 72nd column without continuation.'