Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Graphics Subroutine: Finds the boundaries of the current text window. This routine is only available for Windows.




r1, c1

(Output) INTEGER(2). Row and column coordinates for upper-left corner of the text window.

r2, c2

(Output) INTEGER(2). Row and column coordinates for lower-right corner of the text window.

Output from OUTTEXT and WRITE is limited to the text window. By default, this is the entire window, unless the text window is redefined by SETTEXTWINDOW.

The window defined by SETTEXTWINDOW has no effect on output from OUTGTEXT.

! Build as QuickWin or Standard Graphics USE IFQWIN INTEGER(2) top, left, bottom, right DO i = 1, 10 WRITE(*,*) "Hello, world" END DO ! Save text window position CALL GETTEXTWINDOW (top, left, bottom, right) ! Scroll text window down seven lines CALL SCROLLTEXTWINDOW (INT2(-7)) ! Restore text window CALL SETTEXTWINDOW (top, left, bottom, right) WRITE(*,*) "At beginning again" END