Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Run-Time Function: Checks the keystroke buffer for a recent console keystroke and returns .TRUE. if there is a character in the buffer or .FALSE. if there is not.



result = PEEKCHARQQ( )


The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if there is a character waiting in the keyboard buffer; otherwise, .FALSE..

To find out the value of the key in the buffer, call GETCHARQQ. If there is no character waiting in the buffer when you call GETCHARQQ, GETCHARQQ waits until there is a character in the buffer. If you call PEEKCHARQQ first, you prevent GETCHARQQ from halting your process while it waits for a keystroke. If there is a keystroke, GETCHARQQ returns it and resets PEEKCHARQQ to .FALSE..

USE IFCORE LOGICAL(4) pressed / .FALSE. / DO WHILE (.NOT. pressed) WRITE(*,*) ' Press any key' pressed = PEEKCHARQQ ( ) END DO END