Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Document Table of Contents

Intrinsic Subroutines

The following table lists the intrinsic subroutines. Optional arguments are shown within square brackets. All these subroutines are nonelemental except for MVBITS. All of these subroutines, with the exception of MVBITS, and MOVE_ALLOC with a noncoarray FROM argument, are impure. None of the intrinsic subroutines can be passed as actual arguments.

Intrinsic Subroutines


Value Returned or Result

ATOMIC_ADD (atom, value [, stat])

Performs atomic addition.

ATOMIC_AND (atom, value [, stat])

Performs atomic bitwise AND.

ATOMIC_CAS (atom, old, compare, new [,stat])

Performs atomic compare and swap.

ATOMIC_DEFINE (atom, value [, stat])

Defines a variable atomically.

ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD (atom, value, old [, stat])

Performs atomic fetch and addition.