Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Recursive Defined I/O

A defined I/O procedure can invoke itself indirectly.

It can have an I/O statement that includes a derived-type object that results in the invocation of the same procedure. In this case, the defined I/O procedure must be declared RECURSIVE.

Consider the following:

! This prints a linked list by calling write on the children ! of the list. MODULE LIST_MODULE IMPLICIT NONE TYPE NODE ! This type declaration represents a singly-linked list that also ! contains a user-defined i/o procedure. The name of the procedure ! is arbitrary, but the order of arguments must conform to the ! standard definition. INTEGER :: VALUE = -1 TYPE(NODE), POINTER :: NEXT_NODE => NULL() CONTAINS PROCEDURE :: PWF GENERIC :: WRITE(FORMATTED) => PWF ! <=== GENERIC BINDING. END TYPE NODE CONTAINS RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE PWF( DTV, UNIT, IOTYPE, V_LIST, IOSTAT, IOMSG ) ! These arguments are defined in the standard. CLASS(NODE), INTENT(IN) :: DTV INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: UNIT CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: IOTYPE INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: V_LIST INTEGER :: IOSTAT CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: IOMSG ! The following is a child i/o statement that is called when user-defined i/o ! statement is invoked. WRITE( UNIT=UNIT, FMT='(I9)', IOSTAT=IOSTAT ) DTV%VALUE PRINT *, ASSOCIATED(DTV%NEXT_NODE) IF(IOSTAT /= 0)RETURN ! It is possible to recursively call the user-defined i/o routine. IF(ASSOCIATED(DTV%NEXT_NODE) WRITE(UNIT=UNIT, FMT='(/,DT)', IOSTAT=IOSTAT) DTV%NEXT_NODE END IF END SUBROUTINE PWF END MODULE LIST_MODULE PROGRAM LISTE USE LIST_MODULE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: UNIT, IOSTAT, I TYPE(NODE), POINTER :: CUR, TO_PRINT ! Create the linked list ALLOCATE(CUR) CUR % VALUE = 999 ALLOCATE(TO_PRINT) TO_PRINT => CUR DO I = 1,10 ALLOCATE(CUR%NEXT_NODE) CUR % VALUE = I CUR => CUR%NEXT_NODE END DO CUR % NEXT_NODE => NULL() ! END CREATION OF LINKED LIST DO I = 1,15 IF(ASSOCIATED(TO_PRINT)) THEN PRINT *, I, TO_PRINT%VALUE TO_PRINT => TO_PRINT % NEXT_NODE END IF END DO ! Call the user-defined i/o routine with dt format descriptor. WRITE( UNIT=UNIT, FMT=(DT), IOSTAT=IOSTAT ) CUR END PROGRAM LISTE

See Also