Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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Portability Function: Returns the elapsed CPU time since the start of program execution when first called, and the elapsed execution time since the last call to DTIME thereafter.



result = DTIME (tarray)


(Output) REAL(4). A rank one array with two elements:

  • tarray(1) - Elapsed user time, which is time spent executing user code. This value includes time running protected Windows subsystem code.

  • tarray(2) - Elapsed system time, which is time spent executing privileged code (code in the Windows Executive).


The result type is REAL(4). The result is the total CPU time, which is the sum of tarray(1) and tarray(2). If an error occurs, -1 is returned.

USE IFPORT REAL(4) I, TA(2) I = DTIME(TA) write(*,*) 'Program has been running for', I, 'seconds.' write(*,*) ' This includes', TA(1), 'seconds of user time and', & & TA(2), 'seconds of system time.'