Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 9/08/2022

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POSIX Subroutine: Waits for a child process. This routine is only available for Linux and macOS.



CALL PXFWAIT (istat,iretpid,ierror)


(Output) INTEGER(4). The returned status of the child process.


(Output) INTEGER(4). The process ID of the stopped child process.


(Output) INTEGER(4). The error status.

If successful, ierror is set to zero; otherwise, an error code.

The PXFWAIT subroutine suspends execution of the current process until a child has exited, or until a signal is delivered whose action terminates the current process or calls a signal handling routine. If the child has already exited by the time of the call (a "zombie" process), a return is immediately made. Any system resources used by the child are freed.

The subroutine returns in iretpid the value of the process ID of the child that exited, or zero if no child was available. The returned value in istat can be used in subroutines IPXFWEXITSTATUS, IPXFWSTOPSIG, IPXFWTERMSIG, PXFWIFEXITED, PXFWIFSIGNALLED, and PXFWIFSTOPPED.

program t1 use ifposix integer(4) ipid, istat, ierror, ipid_ret, istat_ret print *," the child process will be born" call PXFFORK(IPID, IERROR) call PXFGETPID(IPID_RET,IERROR) if(IPID.EQ.0) then print *," I am a child process" print *," My child's pid is", IPID_RET call PXFGETPPID(IPID_RET,IERROR) print *," The pid of my parent is",IPID_RET print *," Now I have exited with code 0xABCD" call PXFEXIT(Z'ABCD') else print *," I am a parent process" print *," My parent pid is ", IPID_RET print *," I am creating the process with pid", IPID print *," Now I am waiting for the end of the child process" call PXFWAIT(ISTAT, IPID_RET, IERROR) print *," The child with pid ", IPID_RET," has exited" if( PXFWIFEXITED(ISTAT) ) then print *, " The child exited normally" istat_ret = IPXFWEXITSTATUS(ISTAT) print 10," The low byte of the child exit code is", istat_ret end if end if 10 FORMAT (A,Z) end program