Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B7EF2FD9-67B5-434B-BEB4-097CE6C2EC17
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B7EF2FD9-67B5-434B-BEB4-097CE6C2EC17
QuickWin Function: Appends a menu item to the end of a menu and registers its callback subroutine. This routine is only available for Windows.
result = APPENDMENUQQ (menuID, flags, text,routine)
menuID |
(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu to which the item is appended, starting with 1 as the leftmost menu. |
flags |
(Input) INTEGER(4). Constant indicating the menu state. Flags can be combined with an inclusive OR (see the Results section below). The following constants are available:
text |
(Input) Character*(*). Menu item name. Must be a null-terminated C string, for example, 'WORDS OF TEXT'C. |
routine |
(Input) EXTERNAL. Callback subroutine that is called if the menu item is selected. All routines take a single LOGICAL parameter that indicates whether the menu item is checked or not. You can assign the following predefined routines to menus:
The result type is logical. It is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..
You do not need to specify a menu item number, because APPENDMENUQQ always adds the new item to the bottom of the menu list. If there is no item yet for a menu, your appended item is treated as the top-level menu item (shown on the menu bar), and text becomes the menu title. APPENDMENUQQ ignores the callback routine for a top-level menu item if there are any other menu items in the menu. In this case, you can set routine to NUL.
If you want to insert a menu item into a menu rather than append to the bottom of the menu list, use INSERTMENUQQ.
The constants available for flags can be combined with an inclusive OR where reasonable, for example $MENUCHECKED .OR. $MENUENABLED. Some combinations do not make sense, such as $MENUENABLED and $MENUDISABLED, and lead to undefined behavior.
You can create quick-access keys in the text strings you pass to APPENDMENUQQ as text by placing an ampersand (&) before the letter you want underlined. For example, to add a Print menu item with the r underlined, text should be "P&rint". Quick-access keys allow users of your program to activate that menu item with the key combination ALT+QUICK-ACCESS-KEY (ALT+R in the example) as an alternative to selecting the item with the mouse.
USE IFQWIN LOGICAL(4) result CHARACTER(25) str ... ! Append two items to the bottom of the first (FILE) menu str = '&Add to File Menu'C ! 'A' is a quick-access key result = APPENDMENUQQ(1, $MENUENABLED, str, WINSTATUS) str = 'Menu Item &2b'C ! '2' is a quick-access key result = APPENDMENUQQ(1, $MENUENABLED, str, WINCASCADE) ! Append an item to the bottom of the second (EDIT) menu str = 'Add to Second &Menu'C ! 'M' is a quick-access key result = APPENDMENUQQ(2, $MENUENABLED, str, WINTILE)