MIPI CSI-2 Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 813926
Date 7/23/2024

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2.3.5. Transmitter PPI Signals

The interface between the Intel MIPI D-PHY IP and the MIPI CSI-2 Intel® FPGA IP uses the PPI defined in the MIPI D-PHY standards. This interface carries the outgoing data stream from the CSI-2 Transmitter that the D-PHY IP processes.
Table 13.  Transmitter PPI Signals
Signal Width Direction Description
Clock Lane High Speed Transmit <ppi_width>=16
tx_word_clk_hs_ck 1 Input Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figures 92-94 Example High-Speed Transmission from the Master Side: 8-/16-/32-Bit Bus Width.
tx_data_width_hs_ck 2 Output
tx_data_hs_ck ppi_width Output
tx_valid_hs_ck ppi_width/8 Output
tx_data_transfer_en_hs_ck 1 Output
tx_request_hs_ck 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 90, Example High Speed Clock Enable, LP Mode. Figure 121 High Speed Transmission and Reception with HS-Idle Function.
tx_ready_hs_ck 1 Input
tx_eq_active_hs_ck 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
tx_eq_level_hs_ck 1 Output
tx_skew_cal_hs_ck 1 Output Skew calibration. Implementation-specific how the system responds to this condition. Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 119. Skew Calibration, LP Mode.
tx_alternate_cal_hs_ck 1 Output
Data Lane High Speed Transmit <lane>=0-7; <ppi_width>=16
tx_word_clk_hs_d<lane> 1 Input Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figures 92-94 Example High-Speed Transmission from the Master Side: 8-/16-/32-Bit Bus Width.
tx_data_width_hs_d<lane> 2 Output
tx_data_hs_d<lane> ppi_width Output
tx_valid_hs_d<lane> ppi_width/8 Output
tx_data_transfer_en_hs_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_request_hs_d<lane> 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 90, Example High Speed Clock Enable, LP Mode. Figure 121 High Speed Transmission and Reception with HS-Idle Function.
tx_ready_hs_d<lane> 1 Input
tx_eq_active_hs_d<lane> 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
tx_eq_level_hs_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_skew_cal_hs_d<lane> 1 Output Calibration. Implementation-specific how the system responds to this condition. Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 119. Skew Calibration, LP Mode.
tx_alternate_cal_hs_d<lane> 1 Output
Clock Lane Escape Mode Transmit (LPDT= low-power data transmission, ULPS = Sleep Mode)
tx_clk_esc_ck 1 Input Escape mode signals – Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
tx_request_esc_ck 1 Output
tx_request_type_esc_ck 4 Output
tx_lpdt_esc_ck 1 Output
tx_ulps_exit_ck 1 Output
tx_ulps_esc_ck 1 Output
tx_trigger_esc_ck 4 Output
tx_data_esc_ck 8 Output
tx_valid_esc_ck 1 Output
tx_ready_esc_ck 1 Input
Data Lane Escape Mode Transmit (LPDT= low-power data transmission, ULPS = Sleep Mode). <lane>=0-7
tx_clk_esc_d<lane> 1 Input Escape mode signals – Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
tx_request_esc_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_request_type_esc_d<lane> 4 Output
tx_lpdt_esc_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_ulps_exit_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_ulps_esc_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_trigger_esc_d<lane> 4 Output
tx_data_esc_d<lane> 8 Output
tx_valid_esc_d<lane> 1 Output
tx_ready_esc_d<lane> 1 Input
Clock Lane Control
turn_request_ck 1 Output Clock lane direction signals – Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
direction_ck 1 Input
turn_disable_ck 1 Output
force_rx_mode_ck 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 86. Master PHY Enable, LP Mode.
force_tx_stop_mode_ck 1 Output
stop_state_ck 1 Input
enable_ck 1 Output
alp_mode_ck 1 Output Alternate Low Power Mode Selection - Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
tx_ulps_clk_ck 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 114. Example Clock Lane ULPS Entry and Exit, LP Mode.
rx_ulps_clk_not_ck 1 Input
ulps_active_not_ck 1 Input
tx_hsidle_clk_hs_ck 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 121. HS Transmission and Reception with HS-IDLE Function.
tx_hsidle_clk_ready_hs_ck 1 Input
Data Lane Control<lane>=0-7
turn_request_d<lane> 1 Output Data lane direction signals – Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
direction_d<lane> 1 Input
turn_disable_d<lane> 1 Output
force_rx_mode_d<lane> 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 86. Master PHY Enable, LP Mode.
force_tx_stop_mode_d<lane> 1 Output
stop_state_d<lane> 1 Input
enable_d<lane> 1 Output
alp_mode_d<lane> 1 Output Alternate Low Power Mode Selection - Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5 Table 50.
tx_ulps_clk_d<lane> 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 114. Example Clock Lane ULPS Entry and Exit, LP Mode.
rx_ulps_clk_not_d<lane> 1 Input
ulps_active_not_d<lane> 1 Input
tx_hsidle_clk_hs_d<lane> 1 Output Refer to MIPI D-PHY specification version 2.5: Figure 121. HS Transmission and Reception with HS-IDLE Function.
tx_hsidle_clk_ready_hs_d<lane> 1 Input