Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: User Guide

ID 784383
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents TFTP Using TFTP Server in Intel® Simics® Service Node

The Intel® Simics® Service Node offers an internal TFTP server as an alternative to install the TFTP server in the host PC. The use of this component is available once the Service Node has been set up. By default, the tftp directory in the host PC corresponds to the directory where the simulation is being run. You can modify this as needed using the following command:

<service_node>.set-tftp-directory  path_directory

Call the tftp command in the target system using the service node IP.

The following example shows an example use of this feature. Exercise this example in a simulation session in which the TFTP transfer file using forwarding ports has not been executed before. In this case, the host2target.txt file is copied to the /home/simicsUser/myDir directory, which is the one that is being configured as the tftp directory in the Intel® Simics® simulator CLI:

#Intel Simics simulator CLI 
simics> service_node_cmp0.set-tftp-directory “/home/simicsUser/myDir”
# Target Serial Console
root@psgdevice:~# tftp -gr host2target.txt
root@psgdevice:~# ls