Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: User Guide

ID 784383
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.2.4. Networking Commands Reference Table

The following table summarizes the way in which you can call the typical networking commands in Intel® Simics® simulations:

Table 26.  Networking Commands Reference Table
Service Description Command
SSH Creates a SSH connection from host PC in a real network to target system. Incoming forwarding port (4022) is used.

From Host PC terminal:

ssh -p 4022 <user>@localhost

ssh -p 4022 -l <user> localhost

SSH Creates an SSH connection from a PC in a real network to target system. Incoming forwarding port (4022) is used.

From PC in real network terminal:

ssh -p 4022 -l <user> <sim host PC IP>


Creates an SSH connection from the simulated target system to the host PC in a real network.

Outgoing forwarding port (4022) is used.

From target system serial console:

ssh <user>@<service node IP> -p 4022

SSH Creates an SSH connection from the simulated target system to the host PC in a real network via NAPT.

From target system serial console:

ssh <user>@<host PC IP>

SCP Copies file from host PC to the target system. Incoming forwarding port (4022) is used.

From Host PC terminal:

scp -P 4022 <file to copy> <user>@localhost:<dest path>

SCP Copies file from a PC in a real network to the target system. Incoming forwarding port (4022) is used.

From PC in real network terminal:

scp -P 4022 <file to copy> <user>@<sim host PC IP>:<dest path>

SCP Copies file from target system to host PC. Outgoing forwarding port (4022) is used

From Target system serial console:

scp -P 4022 <file to copy> <user>@<service node IP>:<dest path>

SCP Copies file from target system to host PC via NAPT.

From Target system serial console:

scp <file to copy> <user>@<host PC IP>:<dest path>

TFTP Transfers a file from host PC, which is running a TFTP server, to the target system. Outgoing forwarding port (69) is used.

From Target system serial console:

tftp -gr <file> <service node IP> 69

TFTP Transfers a file from host PC, which is running a TFTP server, to the target system via NAPT.

From Target system serial console:

tftp -gr <file> <Host node IP>

TFTP Transfers a file from host PC to target system using the service node TFTP server.

From Target system serial console:

tftp -gr <file> <service node IP>

HTTP Accesses web page hosted in a web server running in simulated target system. Incoming forwarding port (4080) is used.

From Host PC web browser:


From Host PC terminal accessing the web page:

wget http://localhost:4080/