Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: User Guide

ID 784383
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

8.1.5. Integer Conversion

In some cases, it is useful to interpret an integer as a signed value of a specific bit size. For example, when reading four bytes from memory that must be interpreted as a signed 32-bit integer. The signed, signed8, ..., signed64 commands can be used to perform the conversion.

Other useful and related commands are atoi, bits, int-to-*-float, bin, dec, hex, and oct.

The following capture shows an example on how to convert a unsigned value into a signed value using the signed32 command:

#Intel Simics simulator CLI 
simics> set 0xffe0000  0xffffffff

simics> get 0xffe0000

4294967295 (LE)
simics> signed32(get 0xffe0000)
