Floating-Point Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683750
Date 8/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

3. Floating Point Functions IP

This IP replaces all the functions supported by the FP_FUNCTIONS IP core for devices in the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software.
Table 10.  Floating Point Functions IP Release Information
Item Description
Version 19.1
Quartus® Prime Version 20.1
Release Date 2020.04.13
Table 11.  List of Functions Supported by Floating Point Functions IP
Function Description
Add Two input addition
Sub Two input subtraction
Add/Sub Two input addition and or subtraction supporting two configurations. By default, the IP core computes both the sum (output port q) and the difference (output port s) of the two inputs. You may also select to generate an IP core that provides a single shared output for both the sum and the difference of inputs. In this configuration an additional input port (opSel) allows you to select the desired operation at run-time. When opSel is low (0), the IP core computes the sum of the two inputs. When opSel is high (1), it computes their difference. Enable this configuration by turning on Use Select Signal.
Multiply Two input multiplication
Divide Two input division

Performs the function of 1/a where a is the input.

Note: This function replaces the ALTFP_INV IP core in Arria® 10 devices.
Absolute Generates absolute value of the input
Scalar Product Performs the scalar product between two vectors with the dimensions that you set
Multiply-Accumulate Two input multiplication followed by a single cycle accumulation
Accumulate Perform single input accumulation in a single cycle
Multiply-Add Performs two input multiplication followed by addition
Complex-Multiply Performs multiplication of two complex values
Square Root Calculates the square root of the input value
Reciprocal Square Root

Performs the function of 1/√a where a is the input

Note: This function replaces the ALTFP_INV_SQRT IP core in Arria® 10 devices.
Cube Root Calculates the cube root of the input value
3D Hypotenuse Performs the function of Q=√(a^2+b^2+c^2)
Fixed-Point to Floating-Point Converts a fixed point input to floating point representation
Floating-Point to Fixed-Point Converts a floating-point input to fixed point representation
Floating to Floating Point Converts a floating-point input to floating-point representation of a different precision
Minimum Compares and produces the smallest value of two inputs
Maximum Compares and produces the biggest value of two inputs
Less Than Compares and returns true if input a is less than input b
Less Than or Equal Compares and returns true if input a is less than or equal to input b
Equal Compares and returns true if input a is equal to input b
Greater Than Compares and returns true if input a is greater than input b
Greater Than or Equal Compares and returns true if input a is greater than or equal to input b
Not Equal Compares and returns true if input a is not equal to input b
Exponent Performs the function of ea where a is the input
Exponent base 2 Performs the function of 2a where a is the input
Exponent base 10 Performs the function of 10a where a is the input
Log Performs the function of loge(a) where a is the input
Log2 Performs the function of log2(a) where a is the input
Log10 Performs the function of log10(a) where a is the input
Log(1+x) Performs the function of loge(1+a) where a is the input
Power Provides an implementation of the power function that computes a to the power of b, where a is ≥0.
LdExp Sets the exponential value of a floating-point input. Performs the function a * 2^b where a is a floating-point input and b is an integer input. You specify both the format of input a and the width of input b
Sin Performs sine function of a single input
Cos Performs cosine function of a single input
Tan Performs tangent function of a single input
Arcsin Performs arc sine function of a single input
Arccos Performs arc cosine function of a single input
Arctan Performs arc tangent function of a single input
Arctan2 Performs the function of arctan (b/a) where a and b are the inputs