Floating-Point Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683750
Date 8/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.6. Floating Point Functions IP Signals

Figure 15. Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Signals
Table 12.  Floating Point Functions Intel® FPGA IP Input Signals
Port Name Required Description
clk Yes All input signals must be synchronous to this clock.
areset Yes Asynchronous active-high reset. Deassert this signal synchronously to the input clock to avoid metastability issues.
en No

Optional port. Allow calculation to take place when asserted. When deasserted, no operation will take place and the outputs are unchanged.

a Yes Data input signal.
b Yes Data input signal (where applicable).
s Yes Select port for Add/Sub function.
c Yes Data port for integer exponent port for LDExp function.
Table 13.  Floating Point Functions Output Signals
Port Name Required Description
q Yes Data output signal.